Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Today's news: Wellness, Community Health Center Week, health ...

Health reform law offers Americans free wellness benefits. Health centers get boost in funding timed with Community Health Center Week. If there were a health Olympics, the U.S. wouldn?t even medal. Read these and other stories headlining public health news for Wednesday, Aug. 8.

Washington Post ? Obama?s health-care law: The fitness and wellness provisions you may have missed
Perhaps you?ve had a mammogram recently, or taken a child for an immunization or consulted with a specialist about a weight problem. Since late 2010, those visits to health care providers have carried an additional benefit: They?re free.

Philadelphia Inquirer ?Keep health info coming: Federal agency?s closing would dry up a valuable research source. Buried in the road to cost reduction for the federal government, in Section 227 of the House Subcommittee on Appropriations Bill for Fiscal Year 2013, is a plan to defund the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). If this bomb goes off undetected, the nation will lose its greatest source for funding research on health-care quality, effectiveness and patient safety.

Columbus Dispatch ? Federal health chief lauds women?s care at Grant
With new and pregnant mothers at her side, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius visited a Downtown hospital yesterday to highlight preventive services that Ohioans now can access at no cost to them.

UPI ? U.S. health centers get $11 billion boost
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services secretary marked Community Health Center Week by announcing an $11 billion investment in health centers.

Philadelphia Inquirer ? Penn study says neighborhood cleanups are good for health and safety
Sprucing up vacant lots in a high-crime neighborhood may make people feel safer, researchers reported Tuesday ? a seemingly obvious finding that nevertheless adds to a growing body of research showing how cheap and simple interventions may affect the health of a community.

Helena (Mont.) Independent Record ? Montana sees first West Nile case of 2012; local health officials say to take precautions
Just a week after a local professor voiced his concerns about an outbreak of West Nile virus, the state?s first case of 2012 was reported in a human in eastern Montana?s Custer County.

Austin American-Statesman ? Doctors object to proposed rules for Women?s Health Program
Proposed rules intended to exclude Planned Parenthood from a Texas-run health program would impose an unreasonable ?gag order? on participating doctors by preventing them from discussing abortion with any of their patients, physician groups say.

Allentown (Pa.) Morning Call ? Public health departments offer more than just flu shots
Local public health certainly has gotten a great deal of attention lately. Between the ongoing battle over whether to create a regional health department in the Lehigh Valley and the cuts imposed on local health departments by the commonwealth, many people are talking about public health. But it has become obvious that few really understand what a public health department does.

Seattle Times ? If there were a health Olympics, the U.S. wouldn?t even medal
If the health of each country?s entire population ? not just its elite athletes ? were an Olympic event, the U.S. would have been eliminated in the trials.


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