Monday, August 27, 2012

The Cheerio Family: Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

How far along:

Total weight gain/loss:
I am quickly approaching a total of 20 pounds... Sheesh. It all comes on so fast near the end for me. I am retaining water like crazy, too, so I'm perpetually feeling bloated.?

Maternity clothes:

Yes. I often visit my non-maternity side of the closet with hope and wonder if I'll ever truly wear any thing from there again. Sigh. The grass is always greener...


I joke that Evan is like a little hamster on a wheel, which would be funny if it weren't true, and totally?uncomfortable. She should not be able to do as much contorting and flipping as she does right now based on our respective sizes... I think as shocked as I am by her movement now, I'm more nervous about how active/wakeful she will be when she arrives!?




"Everything is illuminated." I've always been hyper-sensitive and overly emotional, but this is new ground for even me. I have broken down in tears so frequently lately that I can't usually remember what upset me in the first place.

Food cravings:?

Meh, nothing sounds/looks/smells/tastes good to me right now. Everyone always jokes about the pregnant ladies who eat like they've been starved for ten years, and sometimes I can and do eat like that, but mostly, I want to eat enough to sustain myself and move on.?

Well, maybe at home... I've been going out for food a lot lately and I always eat more when I am eating out than at home. Note to self: perhaps that is where you added those few extra pounds???


Ha! Sleep is for the childless and non-pregnant. Insomnia is what I've got!?


All the usual suspects: back pain, anemia, contractions, heartburn, nausea, exhaustion, misery.

Stretch marks?:?

No, nothing yet. I am trying a new product this week called Bio-Oil that others have sworn by, so we'll see...

Labor Signs:

Contractions? Yes. Labor? No.?

Belly Button in or out:

Technically, it is still in... but at night, after a long day, I can kind of see/feel the top coming out. GROSS. It totally weirds me out and makes me all kinds of anxious.?

What I miss:?

Everything. I cannot wait until this baby is here and I can start to feel normal again.

What I am looking forward to:?

I'm looking forward to some yummy hospital food right now. Joel keeps reminding me of how much I like it lately.?

Best moment this week:

Margot giving her little sister all kinds of sweet kisses and pats. She left a yogurt handprint on my belly after loving on her sister and I just loved it.


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