Friday, August 31, 2012

Motherhood, is this really it? ? By Catherine Harding. | The Imperfect ...

Little bit about Catherine: I live in on the South Coast of NSW after living for the first 30 years of my life in ?The Shire!?? When I married my husband we moved south to where we could afford to buy a home.?

We have three gorgeous children together our son born in 2001 and our twins born in 2005.? I work outside of the home 3 days a week and look after the family the rest of the time.

This is a piece that I wrote years ago when the twins were little but I think it speaks a lot about that moment when we all feel overwhelmed by motherhood!

Is this really it?

?Is this it, is this really it??, I thought to myself, as I caught a glimpse of my strange misshapen naked body one morning after a shower.

Here I was, mid thirties, supposedly in my prime and Bonds Cottontails had become a permanent fixture in my drawers.

I remember a time when all my bras and panties were bought in designer stores and simply had to match!? Now I am just happy to find something comfortable; how times change.

I sat and looked at myself just a moment longer; chaos was reigning in the toy room; I could hear the children fighting over the same toy yet again.? As I sat glued to this image in the mirror, my mind wandered: what had happened to my life, when did I become the frumpy housewife that was staring back at me?

Was this all that my life had become, pondering ways in which to best hide my muffin top or refereeing yet another fight over the same toy (by the way, we have at least two of that same toy, but they always want the one she has!)?

Then there were the endless negotiations about food: please, I would plead, just one more bite of the apple and yes, then you can have a biscuit.? I convince myself the three tiny bites of fruit will counteract the sugar in the biscuit.? I only have three small children; how will I ever bribe teenagers with biscuits? ?Maybe I will need to upgrade to Tim Tams.

Thinking back over my short life, I just never imagined things would be quite like this.? Motherhood was always in my plans, in fact it was the only career I wanted as a child.? Things didn?t quite go as planned: after a bout of cancer and other complications, I was advised to reassess my career plans.

I became the epitome of a career woman, working in advertising couldn?t have been much further from my dream job of Motherhood, and that was it for the time being.

Now here I find myself, in my dream job, a loving husband and gorgeous healthy children.? So why am I so unhappy?? I look at myself again and pull on my ?uniform? of a t-shirt and jeans; again I wonder whatever became of that smart, savvy, well-dressed businesswoman.

My once beautiful designer handbag that used to be filled with treasures such as my favourite red lippy and expensive perfumes has long been replaced with my Big W nappy bag filled with bottles, dummies, nappies and all manner of baby things.

Even now, on the occasion I do get to use a handbag, it is still filled with spare knickers and clothes, just in case!? That favourite lippy is still obsolete!

As I think about my hopes for my life, did I expect too much?? I am just not sure when society decided that having a corporate highflying career was more important than Motherhood.

The noise from the toy room has risen above a dull roar and, as I leave the safety of my room, a chocolate-covered face and a kiss greet me; then I remember why I wanted to be a Mother.

The smile, the innocent kiss or the unprompted ?I love you?, those are the moments that make everything worthwhile.

So, the next time you are wondering why you became a mother, remember that it is the little things.? Enjoy the little things and don?t sweat over the big stuff.? Enjoy life as a child does.



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Invention of Mobile

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Father of Cell Phones Worried His Kids Are Becoming Too Much To Handle Blockquote congn 0 Invention of Mobile
Mobile telephones have altered the globe of communication. From the initial call built in 1946 on one of only a handful of moveable phones to any one of a typical millions, likely billions of calls made today, the mobile or cell phone has altered this method of communication forever and a day. The mobile telephone is either the largest invention of the twentieth century or the most demanding. It is unquestionable that your particular technology behind the cellular telephone is one of the highest quality inventions and that advances in technology keep making the cell phone progressively a wants device.
It was n't until 1973 when Dr. Martin Cooper, former general manager of the Systems division at Motorola, was credited with making the first ever call on a moveable cell phone-a prerogative he enjoyed as its chief creator. Ironically, the first call was made to the head of lab at Bell, their chief rival. Perhaps this was actually fitting since Bell was responsible inventing the crude cell that was designed to be used in prowl car in the 40s. Four years later, Bell made a prototype that was used on trial in Chicago by up to two thousand people. Two years what is going to, in a completely not related speculation, a separate operation was undertaken in Tokyo. There was considerable international buzz about the new technology as it went from being something existing only in science fiction to something that seems imminently.   In 1981 Motorola joined with American Radio Telephone to start a second U.S. cell system test in Washington and Buffalo. The movement was gathering impulse, and by 1982 the FCC finally empowered commercial cellular services for the United States. Ameritech made the first American commercial parallel cellular service available in Chicago. Still, the technology was expensive and it was far from being as accessible as phones are today. But by 1987 cellphone subscribers exceeded one million and airways were crowded together.   The 90s brought on a new wave of cell phone technology that ushered in the modern era where one is one of the average person.   Day to Day Life.   The cellphone changed all of a typical questioning. Now, mothers could call and find out if their children carry it to their destination without any misadventures. Husbands could tell their wives when they were running late.   If they weren't enquiring about someone's whereabouts they were wishing they had thought of to tell them something before they were away from their office or home phone. Maybe it was to stop and pick up the kids or to go by the bank because they loan officer called. Whatever the reason, before the invention of the cell phone, they would have to wait to see them and so send them back out to appeal to the issue.   Emergencies.   Cell phone service has been responsible saving more lives than is definitely accounted for. Were someone try and put a number thereon, it would doubtless be in the millions, simply due to being able to contact help wherever you are located. Doctors can easily stay in touch along with their answering service every single time, making them more available in the case of emergencies.   Cell phones have grown key pieces of equipment in search and rescue operations. The chances are very good that a person who gets lost will have a cell phone. The cell phone may be geographically followed using navigation tools and GPS which happens to be built into most new cell phones. There have been completely numerous cases of trampers lost in the woods who were only found due their cell phones.   Law Enforcement.   In addition to hunt for criminals, law enforcement now go through about offences faster than ever before. The hesitating citizen who doesn't want to discover involved physically involved in a happening crime will most oft call it in to the police. This pays law enforcement a start on capturing criminals.   Cell phones that include video recording can really film the offense it turns out, offering grounds that is positive in court.   Business Communication.   Gone are the days when a deal is lost come from not being at work. Nowadays, deal can be sealed while on vacation. The mobile telephone has made the office open All day every day in some cases. Being out of the office is no longer an option because most business people are tethered to their office during their cell phones.   Technology has brought the office to the cell phone with the addition of smart phones and email via the telephone. Documents can be sent, reexamined and sent back all while being on the go.   The Flip Side.   With cell phones the workday is never over and time spent with family or friends can be perpetually off and on unless the tools is powered off. There are safety issues besides with cell phones. Drivers who can't wait up to the point they are stopped to have a conversation run a much greater risk to be in an accident. Using an earpiece helps the problem but does not avoid it beeing the focus is still on the conversation.


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IDC: China will surpass U.S. in smartphone shipments this year

China is on the brink of becoming the largest smartphone market worldwide this year, according to a new report from market intelligence firm IDC.

Specifically, China is projected to account for 26.5 percent of all smartphone shipments in 2012, compared to 17.8 percent for the current leader, the United States.

IDC analysts are attributing the surge for China to two primary factors: strong end-user demand and the growth of lower-priced smartphones.

Wong Teck-Zhung, a senior market analyst covering Client Devices for IDC Asia/Pacific, explained in the report that the Chinese smartphone market will get a boost especially thanks to Android handhelds priced under $200 USD.

Near-term prices in the low-end segment will come down to US$100 and below as competition for market share intensifies among smartphone vendors. Carrier-subsidized and customized handsets from domestic vendors will further support the migration to smartphones and boost shipments. Looking ahead to the later years in the forecast, the move to 4G networks will be another growth catalyst.

Nevertheless, Ramon Llamas, a senior research analyst with IDC's Mobile Phone Technology and Trends program, also warned in the report that just because China will take the lead does not mean the U.S. market is falling apart.

Now that smartphones represent the majority of mobile phone shipments, growth is expected to continue, but at a slower pace. There is still a market for first-time users as well as thriving upgrade opportunities.

By 2016, IDC analysts predict that the global smartphone market will see an even bigger shakeup, although China and the United States are still expected to hold the top two spots.

But India, in particular, will see the greatest increase with a 57.5 percent point change to account for 8.5 percent of the global smartphone marketshare in due time.


Table via IDC


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Mums@Work Singapore ? Tipping the Scales of Balance

?- decided to cancel a biz meeting (which led to loss of a biz deal), because my toddler woke up late for school. Spent the morning with her at a nearby park, had a lunch of forbidden hot-dogs & loads of fun. As I dropped her off @ school for the rest of the day, her ?Thank you Mummy? made me realise that sometimes to achieve that work-family balance, you got to give up on some things. And is it worth it? Yep! Yep! Yep!?

So read my Facebook Status update, a day after the Prime Minister had delivered his National Day Rally Speech. PM Lee Hsien Loong spoke about the Singapore government?s plans to encourage marriage and parenthood. He brought up the case of the female teacher, with 4 children who mentioned her desire for work-life balance, and yet felt that it was not for the government to give. She probably spoke on behalf of many mothers in Singapore.

As PM Lee highlighted, there are likely to be initiatives targeting employers to encourage more practices that support work-life balance in the next few months. Flexible Work Arrangements could possibly be encouraged through financial grants or somewhat similar options. The civil service could lead by example and showing how Flexible Work Arrangements can be implemented in an organization.

Yet, the question remains: Are financial incentives sufficient?

Some of the most successful flexible work arrangements I have personally come across are not established officially. It is a mutually-agreed upon decision made between a supervisor and his/ her team member. When questioned why the arrangement has to be done on such hush-hush terms, the answer usually ties back to the fear of more employees requesting for the same. How can top management view Flexible Work Arrangement less negatively?

It is really mindset change that is required in order for work-life balance to be achieved. After all, how many converts can a ?Let?s not laugh at our colleague who leaves work on time? campaign create?

Rather than just offering money, the government can look at ways to educate employers on how Flexible Work Arrangements can be a win-win situation for both employer and employee. Create genuinely helpful platforms whereby employers can seek help in offering flexible work arrangement positions. Set up technological support teams that facilitate work-from-home arrangements.

The rules can be in place ? but these are issues that are intangible and would take a much longer time to change. PM Lee rightfully said that it is not money that is the question here, but values and deep motivation.

To strike a balance is defined as ?to make a compromise?. In essence, work-life balance is about compromise. Parents need to ask themselves: What can you give up to achieve what you want? And more importantly, what do you want?

I have often met stay at home mothers that gave up their careers to look after their children. Their roles are often downplayed. Looking at many of the current parenthood incentives, one would think that a woman gets penalized for ??taking a few years out from her career, to start a family.? Yet, many stay at home mothers often speak of the joys of motherhood. Highlighting their personal stories ? their positive experience of a fulfilled family life could also be great inspiration. Incentives that benefit stay at home mothers can also be considered, if the real goal of higher fertility rate is to be reached.

I lost my business deal because of the last minute cancellation, but I got quality time with my 4 year old daughter. To me, that tip of the scales, to achieve momentary balance was worth it. ?


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'Nanoresonators' might improve cell phone performance

ScienceDaily (Aug. 30, 2012) ? Researchers have learned how to mass produce tiny mechanical devices that could help cell phone users avoid the nuisance of dropped calls and slow downloads. The devices are designed to ease congestion over the airwaves to improve the performance of cell phones and other portable devices.

"There is not enough radio spectrum to account for everybody's handheld portable device," said Jeffrey Rhoads, an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University.

The overcrowding results in dropped calls, busy signals, degraded call quality and slower downloads. To counter the problem, industry is trying to build systems that operate with more sharply defined channels so that more of them can fit within the available bandwidth.

"To do that you need more precise filters for cell phones and other radio devices, systems that reject noise and allow signals only near a given frequency to pass," said Saeed Mohammadi, an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering who is working with Rhoads, doctoral student Hossein Pajouhi and other researchers.

The Purdue team has created devices called nanoelectromechanical resonators, which contain a tiny beam of silicon that vibrates when voltage is applied. Researchers have shown that the new devices are produced with a nearly 100 percent yield, meaning nearly all of the devices created on silicon wafers were found to function properly.

"We are not inventing a new technology, we are making them using a process that's amenable to large-scale fabrication, which overcomes one of the biggest obstacles to the widespread commercial use of these devices," Rhoads said.

Findings are detailed in a research paper appearing online in the journal IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology. The paper was written by doctoral students Lin Yu and Pajouhi, Rhoads, Mohammadi, and graduate student Molly Nelis.

In addition to their use as future cell phone filters, such nanoresonators also could be used for advanced chemical and biological sensors in medical and homeland-defense applications and possibly as components in computers and electronics.

The devices are created using silicon-on-insulator, or SOI, fabrication -- the same method used by industry to manufacture other electronic devices. The resonators can be readily integrated into electronic circuits and systems because SOI is compatible with complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor technology, or CMOS, another mainstay of electronics manufacturing used to manufacture computer chips.

The resonators are in a class of devices called nanoelectromechanical systems, or NEMS.

The new device is said to be "highly tunable," which means it could enable researchers to overcome manufacturing inconsistencies that are common in nanoscale devices.

"Because of manufacturing differences, no two nanoscale devices perform the same rolling off of the assembly line," Rhoads said. "You must be able to tune them after processing, which we can do with these devices."

The heart of the device is a silicon beam attached at two ends. The beam, which vibrates in the center like a jump rope, is about two microns long and 130 nanometers wide, or about 1,000 times thinner than a human hair. Applying alternating current to the beam causes it to selectively vibrate side-to-side or up and down and also allows the beam to be finely adjusted, or tuned.

The nanoresonators were shown to control their vibration frequencies better than other resonators. The devices might replace electronic parts to achieve higher performance and lower power consumption.

"A vivid example is a tunable filter," Mohammadi said. "It is very difficult to make a good tunable filter with transistors, inductors and other electronic components, but a simple nanomechanical resonator can do the job with much better performance and at a fraction of the power."

Not only are they more efficient than their electronic counterparts, he said, but they also are more compact.

"Because the devices are tiny and the fabrication has almost a 100 percent yield, we can pack millions of these devices in a small chip if we need to," Mohammadi said. "It's too early to know exactly how these will find application in computing, but since we can make these tiny mechanical devices as easily as transistors, we should be able to mix and match them with each other and also with transistors in order to achieve specific functions. Not only can you put them side-by-side with standard computer and electronic chips, but they tend to work with near 100 percent reliability."

The new resonators could provide higher performance than previous MEMS, or microelectromechanical systems.

In sensing application, the design enables researchers to precisely measure the frequency of the vibrating beam, which changes when a particle lands on it. Analyzing this frequency change allows researchers to measure minute masses. Similar sensors are now used to research fundamental scientific questions. However, recent advances may allow for reliable sensing with portable devices, opening up a range of potential applications, Rhoads said.

Such sensors have promise in detecting and measuring constituents such as certain proteins or DNA for biological testing in liquids, gases and the air, and the NEMS might find applications in breath analyzers, industrial and food processing, national security and defense, and food and water quality monitoring.

"The smaller your system, the smaller the mass you can measure," Rhoads said. "Most of the field-deployable sensors we've seen in the past have been based on microscale technologies, so this would be hundreds or thousands of times smaller, meaning we should eventually be able to measure things that much smaller."

The work is based at the Dynamic Analysis of Micro- and Nanosystems Laboratory at the Birck Nanotechnology Center in Purdue's Discovery Park. Other faculty members and graduate students also use the specialized facility.

The researchers have filed a patent application for the concept. The research is funded by the National Science Foundation.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Purdue University. The original article was written by Emil Venere.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. L. Yu, H. Pajouhi, M. Nelis, J. Rhoads, S. Mohammadi. Tunable, Dual-Gate, Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) Nanoelectromechanical Resonators. IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 2012; : 1 DOI: 10.1109/TNANO.2012.2212028

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Federal court rejects new Texas voter photo ID law

(AP) ? A federal court on Thursday rejected a Texas law that would require voters to present photo IDs to election officials before being allowed to cast ballots in November.

A three-judge panel in Washington unanimously ruled that the law imposes "strict, unforgiving burdens on the poor" and noted that racial minorities in Texas are more likely to live in poverty.

The decision involves an increasingly contentious political issue: a push, largely by Republican-controlled legislatures and governors' offices, to impose strict identification requirements on voters. Texas' voter ID rules, approved in 2011, had been widely cheered by conservatives statewide.

Republicans around the country are aggressively seeking similar requirements in the name of stamping out voter fraud. Democrats, with support from a number of studies, say fraud at the polls is largely non-existent and that Republicans are simply trying to disenfranchise minorities, poor people and college students ? all groups that tend to back Democrats.

Thursday's ruling almost certainly prevents the Texas law from going into effect for the November election, but state Attorney General Greg Abbott said he will appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court "where we are confident we will prevail."

In the Texas case, the Justice Department called several lawmakers, all of them Democrats, who said they detected a clear racial motive in the push for the voter ID law. Lawyers for Texas argued that the state was simply tightening its laws. Texas called experts who demonstrated that voter ID laws had a minimal effect on turnout. Republican lawmakers testified that the legislation was the result of a popular demand for more election protections.

The ruling comes two days after a separate federal three-judge panel ruled that Texas' Republican dominated state Legislature did not draw new congressional and state Senate district maps "without discriminatory purposes."

"In a matter of two days, the state of Texas has had its dirty laundry aired out across the national stage," said Democratic state Rep. Trey Martinez Fisher, chairman of the Mexican American Legislative Conference. "This deals with the despicable issues of discrimination, voter suppression, these are things that we're not proud of."

The judges in the voter ID case are Rosemary Collyer, an appointee of former President George W. Bush; Robert Wilkins, an appointee of President Barack Obama; and David Tatel, an appeals court judge appointed by former President Bill Clinton.

Tatel, writing for the panel, called the Texas law "the most stringent in the nation." He said it would impose a heavier burden on voters than a similar law in Indiana, previously upheld by the Supreme Court, and one in Georgia, which the Justice Department allowed to take effect without objection.

The decision comes the same week that South Carolina's strict photo ID law is on trial in front of another three-judge panel in the same federal courthouse. A court ruling in the South Carolina case is expected before the November election.

During an appearance in Houston in July, Attorney General Eric Holder said Texas' photo ID requirement amounts to a poll tax, a term that harkens back to the days after Reconstruction when blacks across the South were stripped of their right to vote. The attorney general told the NAACP that many Texas voters seeking to cast ballots would struggle to pay for the documents they might need to obtain the required photo ID.

Last December, South Carolina's voter ID requirement became the first such law to be rejected by the Justice Department in nearly 20 years. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney said the attorney general made a "very serious error" by blocking it. Romney said the requirement is easy to meet and will stem voter fraud.

"We don't want people voting multiple times" and "you can get a photo ID free from your state. You can get it at the time you register to vote," Romney said.

Assistant Attorney General Thomas Perez, the Justice Department's chief civil rights enforcer, has said the Texas and South Carolina photo ID laws will hinder many citizens, particularly minorities, in exercising their right to vote.

Across much of the South, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 is viewed as an overly intrusive burden on the states ? a relic once used by the Justice Department's civil rights division to remedy discriminatory practices that no longer exist. Under Section 5 of the act, Texas, South Carolina and all or parts of 14 other states must obtain clearance from the Justice Department's civil rights division or a federal court before carrying out changes in elections. The states are mostly in the South and all have a history of discriminating against blacks, American Indians, Asian-Americans, Alaskan Natives or Hispanics.

Last year, new voter ID laws passed in Kansas, Mississippi, Rhode Island and Wisconsin. In addition to Texas and South Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee tightened existing voter ID laws to require photo ID. Governors in Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire and North Carolina vetoed new photo ID laws.

This year, Pennsylvania enacted its own law and voting-rights groups who filed suit in an effort to stop it are appealing to the state Supreme Court. A hearing is scheduled for Sept. 13 in Philadelphia. The Republican administration of Gov. Tom Corbett says a U.S. Justice Department inquiry into the state's tough new voter identification law is politically motivated. The department is requesting the state's voter registration list, plus any database of registered voters who lack a valid photo ID that the law requires voters to show before their ballots can be counted.

In Wisconsin, a county judge ruled in July that the state's new photo ID law impairs the right to vote. In an appeal, Wisconsin Attorney General J.B. Van Hollen, a Republican, is arguing that the ID law doesn't impose an undue burden because voters can get free state ID cards.

Election administrators and academics who monitor the issue said in-person fraud is rare because someone would have to impersonate a registered voter and risk arrest. A report by the Brennan Center for Justice determined that new voting restrictions could suppress the votes of more than 5 million young, minority, low-income and disabled voters.


Associated Press writers Mark Sherman in Washington and Will Weissert in Austin, Texas, contributed to this report.

Associated Press


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Thursday, August 30, 2012

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Castravalva announce new album details and Southampton Joiners ...

The term ?unique? is often thrown around, but in 2010 when?Castrovalva?s?eagerly awaited d?but album ?We are A Unit? was unleashed on an unsuspecting world they really did intrigue, confuse, excite and at times disturb listeners. Love them or hate them?Castrovalva have?got people talking and they?ll be visiting Southampton Joiners in October.

Their huge and harsh bass driven-rock sound coupled with pop overtones, a hip-hop inspired album concept and one of the highest pitched voices in the UK rock scene had writers reaching out all over the place to try and find suitable comparisons. Acts such as Hella, Death from Above 1979, Lightning Bolt, N.W.A, Notorious B.I.G and even Prince were all mentioned in reviews with the likes of NME, Artrocker, Rock A Rolla, Rock Sound and Drowned in Sound all heaping praise on the album.

Since then?Castrovalva?have kept their musical cards very close to their chest leaving many wondering what direction they?d take next. There were brief glimpses in 2011 when new tracks featured on a split 10? between Dance to the Radio and Brew alongside Hawk Eyes, Blacklisters and Dolphins and further split with Kong, Shield Your Eyes and That Fucking Tank.

The band ended the year playing the BBC Introducing Stage at Leeds & Reading Festival where BBC Rock Show?s Daniel P Carter tipped them as one of 5 bands to watch alongside Deftones, Bring Me The Horizon, Jimmy Eat World and Weezer.

Now at this point in 2012?Castrovalva?are back with their new album??You?re not in Hell, You?re in Purgatory My Friend??set for release through Leeds label?Brew?(Nine Black Alps, Kong, Blacklisters, Humanfly) on 1st?October. As with everything associated with this band the only thing you can ever expect is the unexpected.

This time the flirtations with hip-hop are gone and replaced with ideas and themes focused on things closer to home where the subjects of friends, family, fatherhood and broken relationships are all explored. But while lyrically at times this may be a far more serious record the fun and excitement is still very much there with blaring synths very much at the forefront alongside those crushing but addictive bass-lines.

All this becomes ever so apparent when you listen to the double AA singles??Se?orita??and ?I am the Golden Widow??(released digitally on 16th?September). Over just two tracks?Castrovalva?clock up a record number of influences jumping between rock, dance, noise, metal and even Motown for a brief moment.

In the past they have shared the stage with the likes of Health, Adebisi Shank, An Albatross, Pulled Apart By Horses, Tek One, &U&I and Melt Banana to name a few. Now in October they will hit the road as main support with label mates Nine Black Alps where they will no doubt confuse and delight people in equal measure.

October UK Tour w/ Nine Black Alps

10th?October ? King Tuts ? Glasgow

11th?October ? Duchess ? York

13th?October ? Bodega Social Club ? Nottingham

14th?October ? Joiners ? Southampton

15th?October ? Borderline ? London

16th?October ? Green Door Store ? Brighton

17th?October ? Clwb Ifor Bach ? Cardiff

18th?October ? Cooler ? Bristol

19th?October ? Ruby Lounge ? Manchester?


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Ubuntu 12.10 adds Photo Lens for searching photos stored locally and online

Ubuntu 1210 adds Photo Lens for searching photos stored locally and online

If Ubuntu is your OS of choice, you've already been enjoying so-called lenses to help you search through your music, videos, apps and documents. So why not a search filter for photos? Why not indeed, said the folks at Canonical. The dev team has just updated the operating system (version 12.10) with a Photo Lens that lets you search your pics by name, tag or EXIF data. What's more, in addition to searching photos stored locally, you can pull in pictures stored on sites like Facebook and Flickr, because who knows how many of your cameraphone photos bypassed your computer and went straight to the web?

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Ubuntu 12.10 adds Photo Lens for searching photos stored locally and online originally appeared on Engadget on Tue, 28 Aug 2012 01:56:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Obama declares emergency in Louisiana

WASHINGTON (AP) ? President Barack Obama declared a state of emergency in Louisiana on Monday as that state and others along the Gulf Coast prepared for Tropical Storm Isaac.

The White House said Obama informed Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal of the emergency declaration in a phone call. The declaration makes federal support available to save lives, protect public health and safety and preserve property in coastal areas.

Jindal, a Republican, shot back late Monday in a letter to the Obama administration that the declaration fell short of the help he was requesting.

"We appreciate your response to our request and your approval," Jindal wrote. "However, the state's original request for federal assistance .... included a request for reimbursement for all emergency protective measures. The federal declaration of emergency only provides for direct federal assistance."

Jindal said the storm is forecast to strengthen to a Category 2 hurricane "and squarely impact the state of Louisiana."

The governor said the storm now threatens the entire state.

"The speed with which this threat developed "has necessitated extraordinary emergency protective measures at the state and local government level," he said, adding that the state has already spent about $8 million on a variety of "emergency protective measures."

The White House did not respond immediately to requests for comment on Jindal's letter.

Obama has asked the Federal Emergency Management Agency to coordinate disaster relief efforts with state and local officials along the Gulf Coast. FEMA has placed incident-response teams at emergency operations centers in Gulf states and has moved two support teams near areas where the storm could hit. More teams also are ready to be deployed if necessary, the White House said.

FEMA has distribution centers in Atlanta and Dallas-Fort Worth area, and in coordination with the Defense Department, has pre-positioned supplies in Jacksonville, Fla. and Montgomery, Ala., closer to areas where the storm could hit.

Forecasters predict Isaac will intensify into a Category 2 hurricane with winds of about 100 mph by early Wednesday, with a projected path directly toward New Orleans. Isaac could become the first hurricane to hit the Gulf Coast since 2008.

Obama also spoke Monday with Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley, Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant and New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu.

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate and other federal officials have had calls with governors and tribal and local leaders to discuss storm preparations.


Associated Press writer Chevel Johnson in New Orleans contributed to this report.


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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Howard Stern Chastised By NBC Over Jay Leno Comments (Audio)

Howard Stern Chastised By NBC Over Jay Leno Comments (Audio)

Howard Stern claims he was reprimanded for his recent comment about NBC late night talk show host Jay Leno. Stern, who works for the network [...]

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The Filthy Real truth As Relevant To Home Improvement at ...

Everyone seems to be quite terrified when it comes to the topic of redecorating. Whether the actual physical needs from the task seem great or even the job also complicated, so many people are beaten just before they begin their house development project. This information is intended to provide you with the requisite knowledge to take on these in your home tasks that you just would certainly hire someone to complete.

If you are going to spend anyone to do home improvements for you personally, then make sure to be offered during the function and look through to advancement on a regular basis. You need to make sure that things are going when you envisioned and therefore the project is now being done right. Notify oneself and make sure all of the suitable enables and examinations are done.

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Ensure your licensed contractor is filing for and getting the enables necessary to make home improvements. This involves that you just double check his paperwork and go to your town to learn if he?s declared the permits. A good service provider will provide you an archive of his actions with out you getting to ask for it.

If you?re performing renovations to assist the purchase of any property, you have to focus on looks, but you need to have a property inspection, in the event one thing critical needs to be done, also. Whenever you can install a new roof or furnace, it would demonstrate the customers which you were in addition to your activity and definately will allow you to demand an increased value.

The best way to increase the price of your residence and also it?s functionality is to put one more bathroom. Try to position it in a region that currently has access to pipes, like alongside a cooking area or even in the basements. A washroom that only incorporates a potty and sink is still an encouraged supplement.

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Sweet Home McCormick: Garden Style Lasagna

I found this recipe from Rachel over at Bliss Events by Rachel. I actually like it more than the Paleasagna that I blogged about here. It is a great way to slam lots of veggies into one meal. Thanks for the great new dish, Rachel! We will be making this often!

{Garden Style Lasagna}

olive oil and cooking spray
2 onions
4 cloves garlic
1 squash
1 zucchini
1-2 heads broccoli
2 carrots
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
3 1/2 cups milk
1/2 cup parmesan
salt, pepper, and nutmeg
10 oz frozen spinach, thawed
2 cups mozzarella cheese
1 1/2 cups cottage cheese
lasagna noodles

Preheat your oven to 375. Chop all of the veggies up. Start with sauteing your onions. Add in some garlic and enjoy the incredible smell. Move the onions to a bowl and throw in your squash and zucchini. Make sure you add in extra olive oil with each round of veggies. Cook until the veggies are tender, and add them to the onions. Last, add in your broccoli and carrots. I used mini carrots and ended up with about 1 cup chopped carrots. Cook until tender and add to the veggie bowl.

?If you love using as few dishes as possible, like me, then add your flour and milk to the same skillet you cooked the veggies in. Or you can use a new one:) Whisk the milk and flour until well combined. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until the mixture is thickened. Since I used an already heated skillet, I had to really stay on top of stirring my mixture right away. It was thick and ready to go in no time. Remove the skillet from the heat and add in your parmesan cheese, spinach, salt, pepper, and nutmeg. I just did a dash of each seasoning. I prefer to add more once it's done if I think more is needed.

In a separate bowl, combine the cottage cheese and mozzarella cheese. Even though it only calls for 1 1/2 cups, the container had 2 cups and I used it all. I knew the cottage cheese would go to waste otherwise. Ok, we are ready to assemble!

Grease a 9x13 dish and start with a thin layer of the spinach mixture. Layer lasagna noodles on top. *I love to use no-boil noodles. They are easy to work with and taste wonderful every time.* Add half of the cottage cheese mixture, half of the veggie mixture, and 1 cup of the spinach mixture. Top with lasagna noodles and repeat the layers. Finish your lasagna off with a layer of noodles and the rest of the spinach mixture. I topped the whole thing off with shredded cheese. Cover your dish and bake for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and bake for 20 more minutes. Let it sit for about 10 minutes before serving.



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Monday, August 27, 2012

The Cheerio Family: Pregnancy Update: 34 Weeks

How far along:

Total weight gain/loss:
I am quickly approaching a total of 20 pounds... Sheesh. It all comes on so fast near the end for me. I am retaining water like crazy, too, so I'm perpetually feeling bloated.?

Maternity clothes:

Yes. I often visit my non-maternity side of the closet with hope and wonder if I'll ever truly wear any thing from there again. Sigh. The grass is always greener...


I joke that Evan is like a little hamster on a wheel, which would be funny if it weren't true, and totally?uncomfortable. She should not be able to do as much contorting and flipping as she does right now based on our respective sizes... I think as shocked as I am by her movement now, I'm more nervous about how active/wakeful she will be when she arrives!?




"Everything is illuminated." I've always been hyper-sensitive and overly emotional, but this is new ground for even me. I have broken down in tears so frequently lately that I can't usually remember what upset me in the first place.

Food cravings:?

Meh, nothing sounds/looks/smells/tastes good to me right now. Everyone always jokes about the pregnant ladies who eat like they've been starved for ten years, and sometimes I can and do eat like that, but mostly, I want to eat enough to sustain myself and move on.?

Well, maybe at home... I've been going out for food a lot lately and I always eat more when I am eating out than at home. Note to self: perhaps that is where you added those few extra pounds???


Ha! Sleep is for the childless and non-pregnant. Insomnia is what I've got!?


All the usual suspects: back pain, anemia, contractions, heartburn, nausea, exhaustion, misery.

Stretch marks?:?

No, nothing yet. I am trying a new product this week called Bio-Oil that others have sworn by, so we'll see...

Labor Signs:

Contractions? Yes. Labor? No.?

Belly Button in or out:

Technically, it is still in... but at night, after a long day, I can kind of see/feel the top coming out. GROSS. It totally weirds me out and makes me all kinds of anxious.?

What I miss:?

Everything. I cannot wait until this baby is here and I can start to feel normal again.

What I am looking forward to:?

I'm looking forward to some yummy hospital food right now. Joel keeps reminding me of how much I like it lately.?

Best moment this week:

Margot giving her little sister all kinds of sweet kisses and pats. She left a yogurt handprint on my belly after loving on her sister and I just loved it.


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UN eyeing Texas invasion? Probably not, but ?civil war? fears abound

Lubbock County Judge Tom Head?s suggestion that President Obama, if reelected, will send UN troops to invade Texas caused chuckles (or gasps) across the country. But coming at the height of a polarized presidential race, his comments highlighted fears of political unrest.

By Patrik Jonsson,?Staff writer / August 25, 2012

A member of a white supremacy group gives a fascist salute during a gathering in West Allis, Wis., in this file photo taken Sept. 3, 2011.

Darren Hauck/Reuters/File


Most experts on national and foreign policy would likely agree that Tom Head, the Texas Judge who suggested a win by Obama in November may lead to an invasion of Texas by the United Nations, is wrong.

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In fact, the UN will not ?mess with Texas,? Martin Nesirky, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon?s spokesman, tells Reuters.

While Judge Head, an elected judge in Lubbock, Texas, has received flak for his suggestion that the county should raise taxes in order to arm up the local constabulary in case the state should be attacked, his fears about civil unrest aren?t isolated.

In fact, they?re widely enough shared that some Americans believe the US government has, in fact, put military contingency plans into effect should the results of the election rile up extremists on the losing side.

Those concerns were fueled earlier this month when Col. Kevin Benson of the US Army's University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies at Fort Leavenworth, Kan., published a theoretical paper in "Small Wars Journal" positing the response of the US government to an extremist militia fueled by tea party sentiments taking control of Darlington, S.C.

Thanks to a stubbornly poor economy and philosophical ? some would say foundational ? high stakes apparent in the presidential election, it?s clear from political blogs, letters to the editor, and word on the street that tensions are running high in the country, and that extends to politics. The recent shooting of a guard at the conservative Family Research Council by a gay rights activist supports that.

?The American people are so hot and so angry that it would not take much to set off a raging political fire,? columnist Michael Snyder writes on Hawaii News Daily website.

Although civil unrest is always possible (check out this long Wikipedia list here), there is very little reason to believe any of the doomsday ?civil war? scenarios trotted out by people like Judge Head will actually come true.

Today?s stakes, though substantial, are not of civil-war caliber. Whether Obama or Romney is elected in November, chances are great that the workings of the Constitution will temper any revolutionary strains, as it has since the end of the Civil War.

Take, for example, the tension between the Obama administration and Texas ? and, yes, there are a few beefs there, ranging from emergency aid for wildfires to voter ID. Those disagreements, despite the polarization and heated rhetoric, are being worked out in the place the Founders intended: the courts and the electoral system. Houston, Dallas and El Paso remain calm.


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    Reno Locksmith Company educating the public ... -

    Have you ever received a key from a landlord or possibly your office that says ?do not duplicate?' You have probably wondered why this is there or why you cannot make any copies. Let us at Reno Locksmith help you understand why this stamp is on your key and what it really means.

    The most common type of keys that have this stamp embossed on them are mail keys, amenity keys, or keys that lead to rooms that have confidential papers or objects in them. You will most likely run across these keys if you are renting a house from a landlord or renting an apartment at a large complex. They do this because they already have a large amount of copies made and there is no reason to have non-residents using their amenities such as their work out room or pool. (customer reviews)

    The stamp of do not duplicate or duplication prohibited is usually placed there by a locksmith or a manufacturer. They place it there to prevent retail stores from cutting this key without authorization from the manufacturer or owner of the lock. They use this as an access control system for the owner of the key. With this stamp, it lets people know that this key should not be freely passed out or used without authorization.

    Though this stamp is intended to keep the amount of copies of this key to a minimum, it is not impossible for someone to get this type of key duplicated. The real problem is that there is no legal implication in the United States that would really stop someone from copying this type of key. Due to this, the do not duplicate or duplication prohibited stamp actually supplies people with a false feeling of security. Yes, it may stop people from duplicating this key a large amount of times, but it will most likely still be duplicated at one point or another.

    The only way this type of key supplies actual security is if the design of the key has a patent. If the manufacturer were to find out that their key was duplicated without permission, they could easily sue the person that had the key duplicated or the person/store that duplicated the key.

    If you have any questions about do not duplicate keys or are interested in getting some made for your apartment complex or office, feel free to contact us twenty four hours a day. At Reno Locksmith , we are always available to fulfill all of your needs and are always eager to help. Please contact us via our website or 775-297-0526. We hope to hear from you soon.

    Company Info:

    Reno Locksmith Company is a business that believes in helping others. Through many techniques Reno locksmiths tries to better educate all of there customers with the most up to date information.

    Reno Locksmith Company Eddie Profin, Marketing Director 147 South Center Street Reno, NV 89501 Phone: (775) 297-0526 email:

    Reno Locksmith Company is a business that believes in helping others. Through many techniques Reno locksmiths tries to better educate all of there customers with the most up to date information.

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    San Jose, CA - Samsung Ordered To Pay Apple $1.05 Billion In ...

    San Jose, CA - After a year of scorched-earth litigation, a jury decided Friday that Samsung ripped off the innovative technology used by Apple to create its revolutionary iPhone and iPad.

    The jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple $1.05 billion in the latest skirmish of a global legal battle between the two tech giants. An appeal is expected.

    Apple Inc. filed its patent infringement lawsuit in April 2011 and engaged legions of the country?s highest-paid patent lawyers to demand $2.5 billion from its top smartphone competitor. Samsung Electronics Co. fired back with its own lawsuit seeking $399 million.

    The verdict, however, belonged exclusively to Apple, as the jury rejected all Samsung?s claims against Apple. Jurors also decided against some of Apple?s claims involving the two dozen Samsung devices at issue, declining to award the full $2.5 billion Apple demanded.

    However, the jury found that several Samsung products illegally used such Apple creations as the ?bounce-back? feature when a user scrolls to an end image, and the ability to zoom text with a tap of a finger.

    Apple lawyer plans to formally demand Samsung pull its most popular cellphones and computer tablets from the U.S. market. They also can ask the judge to triple the damages to $3 billion. U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh will decide those issues along with Samsung?s demand she overturn the jury?s verdict in several weeks.

    The outcome of the case is likely to have ripple effects in the smartphone market. After seeing Samsung?s legal defeat, other device makers relying on Android may become more reluctant to use the software and risk getting dragged into court.

    ?Some of these device makers might end up saying, ?We love Android, but we really don?t want to fight with Apple anymore,? said Christopher Marlett, CEO of MDB Capital Group, an investment bank specializing in intellectual property.

    ISI Group analyst also viewed the verdict as a blow to Android, as much as Samsung.

    During closing arguments at the trial, Apple attorney Harold McElhinny claimed Samsung was having a ?crisis of design? after the 2007 launch of the iPhone, and executives with the South Korean company were determined to illegally cash in on the success of the revolutionary device.

    Samsung?s lawyers countered that it was legally giving consumers what they want: smartphones with big screens. They said Samsung didn?t violate any of Apple?s patents and further alleged innovations claimed by Apple were actually created by other companies.

    Samsung, headquartered in Seoul, responded to the verdict, saying in a statement it was ?unfortunate that patent law can be manipulated to give one company a monopoly over rectangles with rounded corners.?

    ?Today?s verdict should not be viewed as a win for Apple, but as a loss for the American consumer. It will lead to fewer choices, less innovation, and potentially higher prices,? Samsung said.

    The jurors? determination that Samsung took Apple?s ideas probably matters more to the companies than the damages figures, Marlett said.

    ?I don?t know if $1 billion is hugely significant to Apple or Samsung,? Marlett said. ?But there is a social cost here. As a company, you don?t want to be known as someone who steals from someone else. I am sure Samsung wants to be known as an innovator, especially since a lot of Asian companies have become known for copying the designs of innovators.?

    Samsung has emerged as one of Apple?s biggest rivals and has overtaken as the leading smartphone maker. Samsung?s Galaxy line of phones run on Android, a mobile operating system that Google Inc. has given out for free to Samsung and other phone makers.

    Google entered the smartphone market while its then-CEO Eric Schmidt was on Apple?s board, infuriating Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, who considered Android to be a blatant rip off of the iPhone?s innovations.

    After shoving Schmidt off Apple?s board, Jobs vowed that Apple would resort to ?thermonuclear war? to destroy Android and its allies.

    If Android lose any ground in the mobile computing market, that would hurt Google, too. That?s because Google relies on Android to drive mobile traffic to its search engine and services to sell more advertising.

    The Apple-Samsung trial came after each side filed a blizzard of legal motions and refused advisories by the judge to settle the dispute out of court. Deliberations by the jury of seven men and two women began Wednesday.

    Jurors left the courthouse without addressing the scrum of international media who camped out at the San Jose courthouse for a month.

    They notified the judge at about 2:30 p.m. that they had arrived at a verdict after deliberating two-and-a-half days. Many expected deliberations to last longer because of the complexity of the case.

    Jurors filed into the courtroom silently Friday, the youngest juror who favored flipflops, shorts and playing videogames was wearing a Beatles sweatshirt and handed over the 20-page verdict form with little fanfare.

    Apple and Samsung combined account for more than half of global smartphone sales. Samsung has sold 22.7 million smartphones and tablets that Apple claimed uses its technology. McElhinny said those devices accounted for $8.16 billion in sales since June 2010.

    From the beginning, legal experts and Wall Street analysts viewed Samsung as the underdog. Apple?s headquarters is a mere 10 miles from the San Jose courthouse, and jurors were picked from the heart of Silicon Valley where Jobs is a revered technological pioneer.

    While the legal and technological issues were complex, patent expert Alexander I. Poltorak previously said the case would likely boil down to whether jurors believed Samsung?s products look and feel almost identical to Apple?s iPhone and iPad.

    To overcome that challenge at trial, Samsung?s lawyers argued that many of Apple?s claims of innovation were either obvious concepts or ideas stolen from Sony Corp. and others. Experts called that line of argument a high-risk strategy because of Apple?s reputation as an innovator.

    Apple?s lawyers argued there is almost no difference between Samsung products and those of Apple, and presented internal Samsung documents they said showed it copied Apple designs. Samsung lawyers insisted that several other companies and inventors had previously developed much of the Apple technology at issue.

    Apple and Samsung have filed similar lawsuits in eight other countries, including South Korea, Germany, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, Britain, France and Australia.

    ?This is not the final word in this case or in battles being waged in courts and tribunals around the world, some of which have already rejected many of Apple?s claims,? Samsung said in its statement.

    Samsung won a home court ruling earlier Friday in the global patent battle against Apple. Judges in Seoul said Samsung didn?t copy the look and feel of the iPhone and ruled that Apple infringed on Samsung?s wireless technology.

    However, the judges also said Samsung violated Apple?s technology behind the feature that causes a screen to bounce back when a user scrolls to an end image. Both sides were ordered to pay limited damages.

    The Seoul ruling was a rare victory for Samsung in its arguments that Apple has infringed on its wireless technology patents. Samsung?s claims have previously been shot down by courts in Europe, where judges have ruled that Samsung patents were part of industry standards that must be licensed under fair terms to competitors.

    The U.S. case is one of some 50 lawsuits among myriad telecommunications companies jockeying for position in the burgeoning $219 billion market for computer tablets and smartphones.



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    Egypt prosecutor probes anti-Brotherhood critic

    In this Tuesday Aug. 7, 2012 photo, Tawfiq Okasha holding some plants, 2nd left, rallies his supporters against Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood at the funeral of 16 Egyptian soldiers killed in the Egyptian border town of Rafah on Aug 5, 2012. He emerged as one of the most popular television personalities of post-revolution Egypt by railing against the revolution, a bombastic conservative who every night mocked the country?s ?enemies? --everyone from leftists and Islamists to Freemasons and Zionists-- with rants full of abuse and earthy humor. Now Tawfiq Okasha presents himself as the country?s champion against a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood, calling protests that took place Friday. (AP Photo/Thomas Hartwell)

    In this Tuesday Aug. 7, 2012 photo, Tawfiq Okasha holding some plants, 2nd left, rallies his supporters against Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood at the funeral of 16 Egyptian soldiers killed in the Egyptian border town of Rafah on Aug 5, 2012. He emerged as one of the most popular television personalities of post-revolution Egypt by railing against the revolution, a bombastic conservative who every night mocked the country?s ?enemies? --everyone from leftists and Islamists to Freemasons and Zionists-- with rants full of abuse and earthy humor. Now Tawfiq Okasha presents himself as the country?s champion against a takeover by the Muslim Brotherhood, calling protests that took place Friday. (AP Photo/Thomas Hartwell)

    (AP) ? Egypt's attorney general has referred an outspoken anti-Islamist former lawmaker for investigation by police prosecutors over claims he called for the downfall of the regime, according to a statement Sunday.

    The charge added to concerns that the government is backtracking on the democratic aims of the uprising that toppled the autocratic regime last year.

    The complaint submitted against Mohamed Abu-Hamed by another former lawmaker also accuses him of trying to mobilize Egypt's minority Coptic Christians to protest and cause religious strife.

    If the case is taken to court and he is found guilty, Abu-Hamed would face a maximum sentence of three years prison.

    Abu-Hamed has a doctorate in Islamic theology and was the deputy leader of the liberal Free Egyptians Party, but split away to become an independent lawmaker before parliament was dissolved.

    The investigation against Abu-Hamed comes two days after he led a march of around 3,000 people to the presidential palace to protest against the recently elected president, Mohammed Morsi, and his Muslim Brotherhood.

    A number of other cases against critics of the Brotherhood, including TV host Tawfiq Okasha and newspaper editor Islam Afifi, who was briefly imprisoned, have stoked concerns that freedom of speech is being curbed, despite last year's uprising that called for greater rights with the downfall of longtime ruler Hosni Mubarak's regime.

    The Brotherhood accused Okasha and his associates of being behind arson attacks on a number of the group's offices around the country.

    He faces trial for his remarks, among them telling viewers that the killing Morsi was permissible. He claimed the Brotherhood and Morsi plan to kill him and retorted, "Fine, I declare it permissible to shed your blood, too."

    Despite his popularity in some segments, neither Okasha nor Abu-Hamed have the support of the youth and revolutionaries who helped engineer last year's uprising.

    Youth activists launched a snide campaign last week aimed at raising money to send Abu-Hamed on a one-way trip from Egypt to Malaysia.

    "We need to unite around one cause. We thought about what this cause could be: Abu-Hamed. In order to move from old Egypt to new Egypt we need to get rid of a few people: Abu-Hamed," a young man says on a YouTube video titled "Get Abu-Hamed Out of Egypt."

    Many see Okasha as inflammatory and crass, and others consider Abu-Hamed an opportunist who has flip-flopped alliances since rising to fame during parliamentary elections late last year.

    Although the protest march led by Abu-Hamed on Friday was relatively small, it reflects a wider feeling that the Brotherhood is power hungry after decades of being outlawed.

    The Brotherhood won the most seats in parliament and then the presidency, and it has clashed with liberals over the formation of a body tasked with writing a new constitution, with secular representatives walking out.

    Trying to counter the misgivings, Morsi, who is Egypt's first freely elected civilian and Islamist to take office, has reached out to a wide spectrum of groups and recently named the country's former defense minister ? a holdover of the Mubarak regime ? a Coptic Christian and at least two women as presidential advisers. His newly-formed Cabinet is a mix of technocrats, former ministers from the military-appointed government and Islamists.

    In his first legislative decree, Morsi banned the imprisonment of journalists who face trial for inciting hatred, insulting the president, slander and other related offenses.

    Associated Press


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