Saturday, December 1, 2012

Magento Ecommerce Development Services Can Boost Your Online ...

There are numerous platforms available if you want to build or optimise your e-commerce site. But most experts believe that Magento e-commerce solution is right up there in terms of functionality, efficiency and likelihood of conversion. And the best part of it is it?s free for developers (the Community Edition) so you don?t have to pay a single dime as add-on service if ever you hire a web designer adept at Magento to develop your website. Why attach your name with the platform? Well, you will find yourself in good company along with Samsung or The North Face. If you have to include the Magento Enterprise, which comes with additional features, there are over 110,000 merchants powered by the open-source platform.

New To E-Commerce?

Startup businesses can benefit from Magento?s slew of services. If you have a brick-and-mortar shop and is looking to set up a business online, you can surely get value from hiring Magento developers. In order for your online business to success, you don?t just settle for a physical presence on the web. You want your site to be optimised so the search engines can index it, you want it to be intuitive and you want to be able to compete with rival companies. Using the platform, you will have access to all the basic features like shopping cart, catalogue, payment and shipping options and multiple design themes. And if you want to grow later on, you will easily transition to more sophisticated and advanced features.

Want To Expand?

What if you already have an e-commerce site but your current infrastructure is no longer relevant with your requirements? Using a Magento web design, you can gain the freedom to operate your online store just like you envisioned. With the advanced features, you can convert more visitors into customers, and the built-in search engine optimisation means you won?t have to worry about your site being ignored by search engines like Google or Yahoo! The user also has access to Magneto Connect, described as the largest e-commerce application marketplace in the market today which allows you plenty of elbow room to customise your site.

Shifting To Magento

One of the key advantages of Magneto is it?s specifically designed for e-commerce. That means you can easily add features and products into the site without any hassle because the platform is tailor-fitted to help an online business succeed. You can contact a Magento agency now and take the plunge. After all, over 100,000 merchants couldn?t be wrong.

Tags: brick and mortar, e commerce solution, mortar shop, open source platform, search engine optimisation

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