Saturday, December 22, 2012

Welcome | Plaza College Blog: How To Write a Cover Letter

In addition to a resume, a cover letter is one of the best opportunities that candidates have at making a good first impression on employers.? While a resume showcases your greatest achievements and experiences, a cover letter gives you the chance to describe your personal character and most valuable qualities as a worker.? Cover letters also give you the opportunity to provide employers with a taste of your written communication skills.? Here are some tips for writing a cover letter that will get you that much closer to your dream job.

1.???? Be personal, yet professional.

Before sending out your cover letter, be sure to address the specific person that will be receiving your application.? If the person?s name is not available, do research until you find it! ?Call the company, search the website, search LinkedIn, etc.? This is the first step to setting you apart from the rest of the candidates.? Cover letters are difficult to write because while you are on a mission to deliver as much information about your personal character as possible, you should also convey this information in the most professional manner.? Be sure to use professional jargon in your writing, avoiding slang terms and informal language.? It will also benefit you to have your cover letter read several times over.? Take advantage of the career services at your school, as well.? Advisors are more than willing to assist you in editing and proofreading your applications.

2.???? Be convincing!

The goal of your cover letter is one direct objective: convince the employer that you, along with your skills and experience, are the perfect candidate for the position.? Hook the employer in the first paragraph; then, discuss your strengths extensively.? It is a difficult task, but it can be done!

3.???? Be considerate!

It?s not all about you!? Consider the company you are applying to, what the employer is searching for in a candidate, and what you can offer them as an employee.? You want to let the employer know that you have done your research and are knowledgeable about the company?s current and past events.? You can communicate this by describing what you can do to satisfy the company?s needs.

4.???? Be purposeful.

Keep your cover letter restricted to one page.? You don?t want to overwhelm the employer, or give too much away before you even get a chance for a one-on-one meeting.? End with a purpose.? State that you will follow up with an email, or request a meeting in the future.? Whatever you write, you must follow through!


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