Saturday, December 29, 2012

New Year Detox Promise ? ecnbodyworks

How To Banish The Bloating


Hey I hope you have all had a fabulous Xmas??


On boxing day I released my 7 day detox plan to help you all get the new year started as you mean to go on.


I don?t know about you but my energy levels have taken a massive dive since I started to eat more of the stuff I wouldn?t usually.? This involves more drinking, more chocolate and sweeties, in fact just all the things we really know we shouldn?t.


You know what, I have thoroughly enjoyed it but I wouldn?t want to feel like this all the time. Today the studio was open for a Kettlebell session and it felt so good to get back to doing some proper exercise, I really felt like I needed it.


You see that is the difference I will not feel guilty about enjoying the foods and drinks that I want to because I know that I will also look forward to getting back to being healthy. The feeling of being fit and healthy far outweighs what I?m feeling right now.


That is one of the main reasons I am looking forward to joining you on the 7 day detox. It starts on the 1st but I will be joining in on the 7th.


I have been hearing in the news today about the government not wanting to promote dieting in the new year as it is irresponsible. In? a way I agree as there are a lot of very bad eating plans out there, like eating a certain cereal twice a day and then a meal for dinner is never going to be a good lifestyle choice.


You cannot get your daily needs for vitamins and minerals from this type of diet. When you body is left deficient from essential vitamins and minerals it will always be left craving what it needs to survive. For that reason any weight loss on this style of diet will be temporary and in fact you will probably end up gaining more back.


When choosing your eating plan you should always look for something that focuses on health. ALWAYS make your health your top priority. Choose health and weight loss if just a good by product of good health.


As long as you are looking towards health, then why not use the new year as a time when you set out to make changes to your life.


Change your focus from weight loss to improving your health, don?t look at it as a diet but long term changes that you plan on sticking with for life!!!


Do that and your weight loss and your energy levels will change dramatically.


I?m serious why look at improving health for a short period of time?? Why would you not want to look and feel better for life??


If you want to learn how to improve your health but are not too sure where to start, come and and get on board with the ?7 day detox.


Here is the perfect solution to help u kick start your detox on January the 1st.

Lose up to 7lb in 7 days with our 7 day detox

7 Breakfast Smoothies (perfect for busy mornings!)

7 Protein Packed Lunches (can be eaten hot or cold, again perfect if you are on the go)

7 Hot Healthy Dinners (that can be prepared in under 30 minutes)

All for just ?7


You also get a digital flip book version which is great on iphone or other tablet for quick and easy access


Remember though start as you mean to go on.


We will not only give you the detox recipies and information, you will also get access to our private Facebook support group should you have any questions along the way.


Click here for more information and booking



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