Thursday, December 6, 2012

Eight foods anti-aging & Beauty in winter | Health and Fitness Tips ...

In winter is easier for the loss of nutrients season, timely replenishment nutrients.

We recommend the following 8 kinds of cosmetic anti-aging food in the winter.

1, Beans

These foods are very nutritious, they are rich in phytochemicals; non-fat, high-quality protein folic acid; fiber; iron; magnesium and small amounts of calcium. The beans get good protein food, but also those who are the best choice of low-calorie vegetarian Oh.

Regularly eat some beans, good diet plan to help you reduce the possibility of the risk of certain cancers, lower blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels, stabilize blood sugar. From the beans, you generally will not ingest a lot of calories, so beans can help you control weight plays a big role.

2, Vegetable foods

Disease-resistant food, vegetables is the best one yet. These vegetables including spinach, kale, cabbage and lettuce. They contain a lot of vitamins, mineral elements, ?-carotene, vitamin C, folic acid, iron, magnesium, carotenoids, phytochemicals, and antioxidants. A Harvard study found that eating those foods high in magnesium containing elements, such as spinach, you can reduce the possibility of diabetes type 2 disease.

The next time you do a salad, you can add these vegetables, oh, including super high nutritional spinach and other green vegetables, oh. Such foods can help you fight against the disease.

3, Dairy

Calcium dairy products is not only to provide good food, and it contains a lot of protein, vitamins (including vitamin D) and minerals. These elements are key elements against osteoporosis. The U.S. government the nutrition indication recommend daily intake of 3 servings of low-fat dairy products, and also the recommended daily load-bearing activities training, you can build strong bones. (If you can not every day insist, then the other elemental calcium foods include vegetables, kale, broccoli, etc. You can try, in addition to high elemental calcium soy products, fruit juices and cereals, etc., you can to try.)

In addition to help you build strong bones, dairy may help you lose weight. Research has continued, but still not enough evidence to prove that three servings of dairy products a day can help you reduce belly fat, and ultimately achieve weight loss results.

Low-fat dairy products are the best snacks, because they not only contain carbohydrates, also contains protein.

4, Tomatoes

These tomatoes to flush full of flavor and lycopene ? an antioxidant to help prevent certain cancers. Tomatoes also rich in vitamins A and C, potassium, and plant chemicals.

Each meal to eat tomatoes is good. Eaten raw, cooked, sliced ??to eat so you can, you can use it as a snack. Spinach and cheese and tomatoes together can make a very delicious dish oh.

5, Lipid fish

Fish contain large amounts of Omega-3 fatty acids. These fish include salmon, tuna. This fatty acid can fight against the disease, to help reduce the amount of fat in the blood within, and also prevention of blood clotting and heart disease.

The American Heart Association recommends at least a week to eat fish twice the amount of each fish is not less than two servings (especially fatty fish).

Usually at home, you can do some salmon, tuna and eat and used to bake or cook a delicious meal.

6, Sweet potatoes

Your diet in order to improve, then you should join the sweet potatoes in your diet, oh. Sweet food contains a lot of antioxidants, phytochemicals, including beta ? carotene; vitamins C and E; folic acid; calcium; copper; iron; and potassium. Sweet potato fiber to promote digestive tract health and antioxidants which play a role in the prevention of heart disease and cancer.

The natural sweetness of the sweet potato makes instant does not add any seasoning, grilled sweet potatoes so delicious.

7. Berry

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture studies show, blueberries contain antioxidants fruit, cranberries second, followed by blackberry and strawberry. The berry color comes from anthocyanin pigments, antioxidants to neutralize free radicals. Such free radicals can cause chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and so on. Berry, especially cranberries, can also prevent catheter infection.

Eat a cup of raspberries, it is very good. You can as a snack and eat yogurt can also be placed on eating, can also be mixed together to eat and muffin or salad or smoothie.

8, Whole grains

Whole grains from refined grains, refined take nutrients. These heart-healthy ingredients containing folic acid, selenium, vitamin B elements. These elements can also control your weight and reduce the risk of diabetes. Fiber content, so you are not hungry in the time between meals, but can also promote your digestion.

Eat at least three-component whole grains: whole wheat; of barley; rye; millet; quinoa; brown rice; wild rice and whole wheat pasta, bread, bread and cereal. According to the American Dietetic Association, the daily recommended amount of fiber intake is 21-38 grams. Of course, specific about intake or see your gender and age, given.

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Tags: anti-aging food, anti-aging in winter, beauty food, beauty in winter


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