Saturday, September 22, 2012

Deciding on a Waiting Child in a Korean Adoption | Being Pregnant

iStock 000008779465XSmall 300x199 Waiting Child in S. Korea: We Made Our DecisionI told you all a couple of weeks ago that we had been sent an email with waiting children from our agency. We inquired about 2, and about a week later were notified one little boy was still looking for a family. Since then, we have been following the agency set guidelines of contacting a pediatrician who specializes in international adoption and talking with her in detail about all of our waiting child?s medical records.

Sam and I have spent long nights talking about if we can handle worse case scenario and ? even if we could ? would that be best for this little boy? Are we certain that if Sam was gone, I would be able to care for him more than adequately, yet still give Bella time and attention? Are we willing to do this forever, because once he?s here, he?s ours. Always.

This was not an easy decision to make. Our family had their thoughts, friends chimed in with good things to think about, but it came down to us. Just us.

Tuesday, I sat down and wrote our agency about some of the questions that were left unanswered medically. They provided a bit more information but nothing major. The agency didn?t pressure but said to keep in mind that with all adoptions, there were simply things that would always remain unknowns. We had to choose if we were comfortable with these.

So we made a decision. Right then. Right there. We put all our knowledge and feelings and emotions into one email that said:

Adoption Email Waiting Child in S. Korea: We Made Our Decision


Hooray! We are so excited! We feel certain, as much as we can, that we have made the right choice to move forward.

While this doesn?t mean he?s going to be ours for sure, it means we are ready to move into that next process to get there. Next comes a huge amount of paperwork with questions that ask us about raising a child of a different culture and race, along with dealing with being a interracial family and helping adopted children cope and grieve.

Each week our agency has 3-5 social workers that meet to look over our answers, homestudy, and our waiting child?s file to see if the parents would be a good match for the child. As far as I know, this only happens with waiting children. Otherwise in a regular referral, you?ve already been approved as being able to care for the child referred to you. We asked for him directly so they need to make sure his needs match up with our abilities.

If they approve us, we?re set. We should know next week.

Oh people. FINGERS CROSSED. We are thrilled and nervous and terrified and over the moon all in one.

We want so very much for this little boy to be a part of our family.


Diana blogs on raising a toddler daughter, the loss of her twin boys, and their families? Korean adoption on the aptly named Hormonal Imbalances.?Smaller glimpses into her day are on Twitter,?Facebook, and?Pinterest.


 Waiting Child in S. Korea: We Made Our Decision


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