Friday, January 25, 2013

Taking Oviritje to new levels | The Confidente



HE might not be the new kid on the block but the Oviritje singer Diop, is definitely the most hap?pening on the Oviritje if not the entire Namibian music scene.
When passion is the driving force be?hind any art, then you are guaranteed success. Because of his passion and love for music, Diop has managed to make a solo break and hit the music scene run?ning.
You might not know him by his stage name but when you hear his hit tracks such as ?Bala Bala,? ?Mbatjitavi? and ?Mba?zakokure,? then Diop will not sound a stranger anymore.
The talented artist pursued his passion for music from a very young age becom?ing part of school choirs at Dr Fisher Pri?mary and Secondary as well as Rietquelle High School in Aminus.
?I also took part in various singing com?petitions and this is where I realised I wanted to sing,? Diop avidly said.
He first entered the music industry with the local Oviritje group ?Black Stars,? in 2010 and then moved on to join Onda?rata, one of the top bands in Namibia the following year.
Diop gained enough experience and confidence from working with the two bands that he had enough motivation and courage to pursue a solo career in late September 2012.
?I went solo be?cause I wanted to promote my name instead of the name of a band,? Diop explained.
The Oviritje star meant business and immediately af?ter breaking away released his first single titled ?Bala-Bala,? which is also the title of his first solo album.
Diop said he was very pleased with the reception his first single got on the mar?ket.
?I did not know I will have the reception I had with the first track,? the singer said.
The young talent said he had been ex?ploited by bands but fortunately he met producer, manager and publisher, Arafat who owns 777 Recording Studios, whom he refers to as ?The Man of God.? Arafat encouraged him to go solo.
Arafat describes the talented Oviritje singer as being humble and hav?ing a good ear for music.
?He is everything a pro?ducer wants. He is a perfect lyricist, he is fast, humble and listens and can be cor?rected,? Arafat stated adding that the artist has no problems in being corrected.
Diop sees the Namibian music industry as be good but still with room for improvement.
Although he has worked with various local artists, Diop says there are still a number of local artists he would like to collaborate with.
?At Ondarata we collaborated with the likes of Gazza, Sally and Tequila. I would like to also work with The Dogg as well as Mushe,? Diop said.
He further revealed that in the next five years he wants to look back at his achievements ever since he started in the industry with satisfaction.
As for now his fans can look forward to seeing his first music video of the hit track, ?Bala-Bala?.
According to Arafat, there is a huge de?mand for Diop to tour the United King?dom and Canada.
?Performances oversees are in the pipe?line and Diop has already received invi?tations and we just need to respond to the invitation,? Arafat stated.
The singer and songwriter urged his fans to continue supporting him and expressed gratitude for the support he is already getting.
Diop is currently working on his second album but until it is done, fans c a n enjoy the beautiful sounds of Bala-Bala.?

By Ndapewoshali Shapwanale


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