Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Timely Tips to Avoid Car Accidents in the Rain - NOYES LEGAL NEWS

Driving in rain2 - noyes newsWet roads don't cause car accidents; people driving on wet roads cause automobile accidents.

With Tropical Storm Debby hanging around, roads throughout Tampa Bay are being drenched and flooded. After working a few hours in the office yesterday, I was greeted to flooded streets and a 45 minute tour of Clearwater's side streets to get home. I was amazed to see so many cars trying to drive through large and deep puddles. I was not amazed to see so many stalled vehicles in the flooded streets.

It is not rocket science, but officials stress caution when deciding whether to drive through high water. Just one foot of water can float many vehicles, while two feet of rushing water can carry away SUVs and pick-up trucks. A slogan rings true -- "Don't Drown, Turn Around."

Other advice while driving in the rain include:

  • Apply your brakes earlier and with less force. This will increase the stopping distance between you and the car in front of you and will also lets the driver behind you know that you?re slowing down.
  • After driving though water, tap on your brake pedal lightly to dry off some of the water on your rotors to ensure effective braking.
  • Florida law requires you to turn on your headlights.
  • If you feel your vehicle begin to hydroplane, don?t brake suddenly or turn the wheel or you might spin into a skid. Instead, release the gas pedal slowly and steer straight until the car regains traction. If you must brake, tap the brake pedal.

Drive safely (in the rain and in the sunshine), but watch out for those who don't!!


Mathew Noyes 0169pPersonal Injury Attorney Matthew Noyes represents those injured in car accidents, motorcycle crashes, bicycle accidents, pedestrian accidents and other types of personal injury matters. His Clearwater law firm ? Perenich Caulfield Avril Noyes ? is one of the oldest personal injury law firms in Pinellas County. Call Attorney Matthew Noyes now at 727-796-8282 or simply click here to schedule a free case consultation.

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