Monday, January 2, 2012

Canada is no international Scrooge

Published: December 30, 2011 11:00 AM
Updated: December 30, 2011 11:24 AM

Re: We should be our brother?s keeper, Letters, Dec. 28, 2011.

I was not aware of the Canadian International Development Agency?s budget freeze.

As for the millions of dollars of aid being withheld, CIDA has a budget of $5 billion annually for international assistance.

From 2001-2011 $1.12 billion was allocated to Afghanistan. I ask, what has been accomplished there? CIDA?s commitment to Haiti totals more than $1 billion from 2006-2012. What has been accomplished there?

I won?t comment on the Karzai government in Afghanistan or CIDA?s role in the 2004 coup in Haiti.

As far as Canada being identified, by the entire world as Scrooge, I think not.

Joe Hronek



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