Tuesday, February 12, 2013

First US Ambassador For Global Women's Issues ... - HelloBeautiful

hillary-clinton-verveerMelanne Verveer is the first U.S. Ambassador for Global Women?s Issues and she?s about to step down from her history-making post. It?s being reported that the ambassador has accepted a position at Georgetown University, heading up the new Institute on Women, Peace and Security. While Verveer served as an adversary for women under the Obama administration, she increased women and girls? access to education and health care all over the world.

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Before she was ambassador, Verveer was chief-of-staff for Hillary Clinton. Verveer was instrumental in organizing and shaping Clinton?s worldly trips, including her iconic trip to Beijing. The two have remained close friends throughout Verveer?s time in the White House. Now they?ll both have White House war stories to exchange as they both venture out to new horizons.

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Source: http://hellobeautiful.com/2618146/first-u-s-ambassador-for-global-womens-issues-melanne-verveer-leaves-the-white-house/

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