Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Rare mountain tornado photographed at 12,000 feet (VIDEO)

A tornado was caught on film at the crest of Colorado's Mount Evans on Saturday. The twister was discovered at 11,900 feet, making it the second highest ever recorded by the National Weather Service.

"It's not unprecedented to have tornadoes in the mountains. But they are rare," National Weather Service meteorologist David Barjenbruch told the Denver Post.

An up close photograph of the tornado was captured by Josh Deere, who posted the picture to his Facebook page, writing, "Only a guy from Oklahoma could drive up to 12,000 feet and find this."

Barjenbruch says the tornado was at such a high elevation that it was above the tree line and did not actually cause any measurable damage. However, it did reportedly come as a shock to some drivers who were above the tornado and had the opportunity to look down on it.

The highest U.S. tornado on record was spotted in 2004 at California's Sequoia National Park. It just barely edges out the Colorado twister, breaking the 12,000-foot barrier.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/rare-mountain-tornado-photographed-12-000-feet-video-171404914.html

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