Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to use the dell studio 1555 battery | 2leep.in - Free Article ...

Generally speaking, the warranty of dell studio 1555 battery is only one year, but for some brands only six months. If battery problems show up beyond this period, the repair costs or the price to purchase a new battery would be very high. So the proper use of the dell studio 1555 laptop battery becomes very necessary. Below are some experience summarized by the author about how to use the laptop battery properly. Let?s take a look at them.

A. Recharging the new buy dell studio 1555 battery for three times before using it. Nowadays, most of the dell studio 1555 laptop batteries are lithium-ion batteries, but the ?memory effect? is still not fully resolved. So for newly purchased laptop, it should be fully charged and fully discharged to activate the battery. The reason for the above move is that during the process of transportation and selling, the dell 1555 battery electrode materials will be passivated, which makes the battery capacity lower than the normal value, and the life time of the studio 1555 laptop battery will be shortened. However, lithium batteries can easily activated through 3-5 times normal charge-discharged cycles and in that way it can come back to normal capacity. And for the so-called fully discharged of the 1555 battery doesn?t not mean using up all the capacity but when the value is about 3%. If the remaining capacity of the battery is less than 3%, it is also not good!

B. Not free to charging the Dell Inspiron 1525 Battery battery. Don?t charge the battery whenever you like. You should keep a good habit of charging. This means that every time, you should charge the battery when it is running out of power at almost the same capacity.

C. Reduce the use of the studio 1555 laptop battery. Use the external power supply as much as you can to reduce the use of laptop battery to extend battery life. As we know that the average use of battery is about 500 to 1000 times. Do not nonuse the Dell Inspiron 1545 Battery for a long time, or battery failure will happen. If the battery is left unused for a long period, it is recommended that the battery should retain about 30% of electricity.

4: Avoid hot or cold environments. Temperature has great effect on the life time of lithium batteries If the temperature is below freezing point, the dell studio 1555 battery may burn down at the moment of turning on the 1555 laptop, while the overheated environment will reduce the capacity of laptop battery.

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Source: http://2leep.in/how-to-use-the-dell-studio-1555-battery.html

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Rare mountain tornado photographed at 12,000 feet (VIDEO)

A tornado was caught on film at the crest of Colorado's Mount Evans on Saturday. The twister was discovered at 11,900 feet, making it the second highest ever recorded by the National Weather Service.

"It's not unprecedented to have tornadoes in the mountains. But they are rare," National Weather Service meteorologist David Barjenbruch told the Denver Post.

An up close photograph of the tornado was captured by Josh Deere, who posted the picture to his Facebook page, writing, "Only a guy from Oklahoma could drive up to 12,000 feet and find this."

Barjenbruch says the tornado was at such a high elevation that it was above the tree line and did not actually cause any measurable damage. However, it did reportedly come as a shock to some drivers who were above the tornado and had the opportunity to look down on it.

The highest U.S. tornado on record was spotted in 2004 at California's Sequoia National Park. It just barely edges out the Colorado twister, breaking the 12,000-foot barrier.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/sideshow/rare-mountain-tornado-photographed-12-000-feet-video-171404914.html

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India power outage hits 350m people

India power cut

Train passengers wait for power to be restored at a station in New Delhi. Photograph: Rajesh Kumar Singh/AP

The worst blackout to hit India in more than a decade left 350 million people in seven northern states without power for more than eight hours on Monday.

The capital Delhi, as well as the states of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Rajasthan and Jammu and Kashmir were all affected.

Hundreds of overnight trains were stopped in their tracks after power to northern railway lines was cut, and Delhi's metro system was badly hit. Water supplies in the capital, always patchy, were hit as a knock-on effect. Traffic jams were even worse than usual after most traffic lights failed.

Around 11am local time, India's minister for power and energy, Sushil Kumar Shinde, claimed 60% of power had been restored to the northern grid.

India power blackout map Regions affected by the Indian power blackout

He then prompted widespread incredulity by claiming that India had one of the best power grids in the world and boasting that when the US faced a similar failure in 2008, they took power from India.

This time, it was neighbouring Bhutan which came to India's rescue, as Delhi's metro drew on hydroelectric power from the country. Services on all six metro lines resumed by 8.45am after almost three hours of disruption.

Shinde said the power cut was caused by some states taking more than their fair share of electricity. "The reason for the outage was due to some states taking more power than they ought to have, which causes the frequency rate of the grid to go up. The offending states will be severely penalised," he told a press conference in Delhi.

A three-member committee would be formed to probe what had caused the entire Northern grid to fail, he added.

Amid the public anger there was humour, mocking a nation which sees itself as a future super-power but cannot even keep the lights on.

"Spiderman found drunk and unconscious on Delhi pavement. Why? With no power comes no responsibility," said one tweet.

For India's middle classes, the first they knew of the power cut was when they awoke drenched in sweat after their air conditioning units failed. But for the hundreds of millions of Indians who live below the poverty line, regular electricity is a far-off dream.

In 2011, 289 million people ? 25% of India's population ? had no access to electricity. In rural areas that figure rises to 33%, according to a report from the Indian government in 2011. Estimates from the International Energy Agency suggest that even in 2030, not all Indian homes will have electricity, according to AEA calculations.

India is the world's fifth-largest electricity producer after the US, China, Japan and Russia, but its per capita consumption is among the world's lowest. Last year, Indians used 510 kg of energy each compared with the US, which consumes 7,778 kg of energy per capita. The world average of energy consumption is close to 1818 kg.

Indian politicians are forever coming up with new electricity saving wheezes. The state of Punjab has just banned air conditioning units in all government offices and from 1 August will cut office hours to 8am to 2pm with no lunch.

There was outrage in June when the chief minister of Uttar Pradesh, India's most populous state, decreed that all malls were to shut at 7pm in a bid to save power.

India's power supply is so insecure that even a stray moggy can plunge millions into darkness. On Saturday, a cat leapt into a Delhi grid station and was electrocuted, causing a fire that left parts of east Delhi without power for 24 hours.

Source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2012/jul/30/india-power-outage-350m-people

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An appeal for fairness in society

Read more: "The age of inequality: The 1 per cent and the rest"

ANYONE who has children - or, for that matter, anyone who's ever been a child - will testify that we appreciate the importance of fairness from an early age, or at least its usefulness when appealing to authority. "But that's not fair!" is one of the earliest indications that a child is developing a moral sense - even if their conception of fairness doesn't always accord with their parents' view.

We know that this commitment to fairness persists into adulthood. Experiments in behavioural economics demonstrate that we will punish "free riders" - those who benefit from others' efforts without contributing equally themselves - even if that means we end up worse off ourselves. To put it another way, our cognitive biases mean that we punish perceived unfairness even when that conflicts with our narrow economic interests.

And narrow is the operative word. Considered within the context of isolated transactions, such apparently self-defeating behaviour is hard to rationalise. Set within a social context, however, it makes more sense. Societies which prize fairness and egalitarianism may actually be more stable; these values appear to have been held dear by our distant ancestors (see "Inequality: Why egalitarian societies died out").

But we seem to have abandoned this emphasis on equality when it comes to the design of modern civilisation (see "Inequality: Who are the 1 per cent?"). Inequality is rife both within and between modern societies. Western societies, in particular, are profoundly skewed, by almost any measure you care to name.

And yet for much of the past 40 years, inequality has remained a topic of serious discussion for just a small cadre of academics. Only recently has the Occupy movement, among other developments, brought it to the forefront of public attention.

Why? One reason, perhaps, is that over the past four decades the prevailing political and economic rhetoric, buttressed by the failure of communism, has been that inequality is inevitable. As the customary parental rejoinder to childish protestations goes: life isn't fair. There will always be a heap, and there will always be someone at the bottom of it. Against this backdrop, what now constitutes fairness is provision for the latter group to climb, and occasionally rocket, to the top.

In this way, fairness becomes a matter of equality of opportunity: "anyone can become president". Yet it is increasingly hard to accept that we are meeting even this restricted objective. Inequality has significant detrimental effects on the health of those on the lowest rungs of society (see "Inequality: Of wealth and health"), making it less likely that they will advance their station in life.

And at the other end of the social ladder? Earlier this week the UK-based Tax Justice Network reported that a staggering $21 trillion, and maybe much more, has been stockpiled in tax havens by just 92,000 people - roughly the richest 0.001 per cent - using the best financial and legal chicanery that money can buy.

No doubt a deeply entrenched elite has fostered this situation to protect its own interests. But it may have been allowed to become entrenched because of another set of cognitive biases. Many of us seem keenest to seek out free riders among those that have least - the indigent and dispossessed, the stateless and the homeless. Perhaps this is the so-called "just-world hypothesis" at work: the belief that the world is an orderly place in which people get their just desserts. To be rich is to have been rewarded for your skills and grit; to be poor is to be feckless and undeserving.

Even when we do consider the "1 per cent", we focus on individuals - overpaid bank bosses and under-talented celebrities being favourite targets - while the structures that support them remain untouched. Charities and lobbyists have long known about, and exploited, our propensity to be more easily swayed by individual narratives than by rational consideration of the needs of groups. Enduring reform, as opposed to opportunist retribution, is hard to enact.

But such biases can work both ways. The UK government's new proposal to "name and shame" those who embrace aggressive tax avoidance may seem a toothless gesture, but so greatly do we prize our reputations that we will go to considerable expense to protect them. So the courts of public opinion may prove more effective than those of the judicial system.

Such points of leverage may be useful to those who want to create a more equal society. But all of us will need to bear them in mind as we continue to discuss the degrees and kinds of inequality we wish to tolerate. If we choose to redefine fairness once again, and remake our societies accordingly, we should take pains to avoid falling foul of our biases. Because it's up to us alone: there is no authority to whom we can simply wail about unfairness in the hope of restitution. We are the responsible adults now.

If you would like to reuse any content from New Scientist, either in print or online, please contact the syndication department first for permission. New Scientist does not own rights to photos, but there are a variety of licensing options available for use of articles and graphics we own the copyright to.

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Monday, July 30, 2012

AIM Overseas: Oxford Creative Writing Program: Pubs, chapels and ...

The sun is shining in Oxford today.

Blue sky frames the many spires and turrets that soar around this beautifully calm 8th century city ? although my new friends and I agree it feels more like a town. There is an air of?tranquillity?around the place - it puts you in the mood for classical music and literary fiction (which I guess is appropriate). It's amazing being able to walk around the same places as such figures as J.R.R. Tolkein and Oscar Wilde.

Speaking of friends, here?s a picture of us before setting out on our pub stroll (I don't think they like the term 'crawl' in Oxford). They have a lot?of pubs in Oxford. Well over 50. One of the shops near Exeter College sells a black and white picture with 63 of the pubs ready to be coloured-in as you visit each of them.?

Exeter College is filled with these marvellous old stone buildings ? although most of our rooms are built from contradictorily modern materials. The dining hall and chapel remain in all their archaic glory however. Here are some shots I took of the chapel.

Every meal is held in the hall, which is extremely Hogwarts-esque with long oak tables and lamps along the length. Waiters (and not magic) bring the food however, and nobody sits at the high table except for very formal occasions. It will be a shock when I leave here and need to start cleaning up after myself again.

Maybe it's the historic setting; or maybe it's the crowd of writers like myself; but Oxford just feels like a lovely place to be. Already we look at the tourists scornfully, almost as outsiders, as we swan our way back to College after a day trip around the city. I expect these three weeks will vanish all too soon.


Source: http://aimoverseas.blogspot.com/2012/07/oxford-creative-writing-program-pubs.html

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Designers of Women's Fashion Boots Don't Offer Enough Styles of ...

Several developers of ladies fashion footwear don?t usually appear to make footwear for community. We observe that the easy elegant traces of the Isaac Mizrahi Saxton trunk make it impossible to keep in stock. The only way to explain exactly why the actual old fashioned searching brief traditional Ugg Sydney trunk can be challenging to find in several females measurements has to be its unencumbered seem significantly attracts people. Time and time again it is not the actual ornate trunk styles in which sell out towards the people. You will get those in all sizes at virtually any on the internet trunk seller. Oahu is the basic designs that disappear so rapidly. How come shoe designers still provide you with the open public a lot of versions coated in belts, buckles, fringe, strange foot or perhaps tiny items of fur? Exactly why deter from your completely excellent boot through choking the look? Do these kinds of designs actually promote? Nicely In my opinion My partner and i learned the reality inside a circular regarding way.

One time i proved helpful for any surf-clothing maker. Although all of us failed to help to make boot styles, the experience made me realize the standards of the reason why some goods sell and others do not.

I was constantly stunned our primary custom would certainly design a few things i regarded as daffy styles which in fact had small wish of selling. And many of them didn?t. This made simply no feeling to me because time and time again good vendors were fundamental yet sophisticated designs. Our own greatest selling surf shoe has been an exciting black nylon material shoe. That experienced classic lines as well as killer double stitching but it had not been incredible. People sure cherished this although. All of us marketed a large number of all of them. I used to be in control of stock and so i saw what sold.

Inside an additional example, from some point all of us couldn?t shift the greatest hats. Going suggesting the particular custom also layout a straightforward black loath with a little whitened logo onto it. This individual struggled my own idea. ?It?s uninteresting,Inches he explained but lastly relented. The particular hat grew to become our own biggest owner.

How come designers and also suppliers defiantly still make an effort to generate what does not really sell? I really believe there are several factors in which get into this.

One purpose I?m this happens will be partly due to ego. Several designers have got this particular trait and creative designers of boots, footwear as well as clothes are no diverse. Specifically in the particular pricey high-end women?s style boot styles. Trunk developers like most creative folks would like to do what they desire to complete without a lot consider towards the business conclusion of points. It comes down to their fine art and also getting wonderful. It?s about sugar on their own time after period. It?s not in what people enjoys before custom loses his / her job for getting away from feel with what the public wants. Then issues modify.

It?s an old discussion between artists and also people. To get a great instance of just what frequently happens when fine art and company butt heads, look at Isaac Mizrahi. He or she primarily created fantastic clothes, shoes as well as style boots regarding his / her pals and also designs. Each Half a year however make an effort to best his earlier series along with something more crazy as well as ridiculous. Proper his / her business would certainly strike a style the public continuing to clamor for, he is cease creating this while he obtained bored developing it. In the long run he and his organization lost steam. (Contentedly he could be now reinvigorated with a brand new package he or she agreed upon together with Target and appearance to find out the business gentle. Now this individual models for your masses as well as enjoys the strong purchase numbers of easy smartly designed items.)

Therefore whilst vanity is probably one purpose sometimes, the others has to do with selling, advertising, branding and also store getting. The general thought regarding boot and sneaker producers is to get as many styles available on the market that they can. They wish to offer you many different looks to ideally get more products within the shops. Designers are simply making as much things as they possibly can to see exactly what twigs. Yet eventually the shop customers may choose what they believe the general public will purchase and so they inventory individuals types. The amusing factor is not any 1 can tell what is going to sell. They believe they understand yet mostly they will guess. Therefore if a shop customers speculate wrong, those designs take a seat on the shelving. Therefore plenty of unpleasant ladies boots remain obtainable or perhaps soon taking place selling.

Today of course the actual crazy designs will get press and so are at times developed only for which cause. At the surf clothes company I labored we provided the search trunk which sold for $100. This was the very first of its kind since most surf trunks sold around $45. No-one acquired actually done this before. It was over-the-top. A corner had tons of bells and whistles onto it such as several pockets, a keep dried out package along with a compass. The designer and marketing movie director really developed it together pondering it can?t sell a lot more than 30 models. It had been more about attaining press for our tiny company than other things. Amusing point happened could it have been actually offered hundreds of models and that we were made to create a manufacturing run from it. Isn?t that will happen? In the process all of us ended up getting plenty of press and became recognized for this particular extravagant shoe in addition to the simple best sellers. Quest completed.

This is the extremely reason I really believe Harley Davidson generates a lot of men and also women?s motorbike boot styles which can be decorated within garbage. Not one other trunk manufacturer provides more variations with the strange and also crazy motorbike trunk than Davidson will. Their particular footwear are notable for this kind of, that is constantly on the construct their brand reputation. I can not imagine they sell one particular gaudy designs. Harley additionally brand names their goods louder as compared to all other shoe makers by putting massive images upon nearly every type. Again it appears amusing to me that many with the a lot more outlandish designs are simple to locate yet try to look for a plain Hd industrial engineer shoe and you will be hard pressed.

This entry was posted on July 29, 2012, 7:01 pm and is filed under Women Style. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Source: http://michalkastyle.org/designers-of-womens-fashion-boots-dont-offer-enough-styles-of-the-boots-you-want-and-heres-why.html

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87% The Dark Knight Rises

My most anticipated film of the year has finally arrived! Christopher Nolan has unleashed the final chapter in his influential Batman trilogy. The Dark Knight Rises was worth the wait. In my opinion, this didn't surpass The Dark Knight, which I think is the best in the trilogy. However, The Dark Knight Rises is a thrilling conclusion to this series. Christopher Nolan has once again proved that he's one of the best directors and storytellers in Hollywood now. The film picks up eight years after The Dark Knight. Batman has taken the blame for Harvey Dent's crimes as well as his death. Bruce Wayne has gave up and Batman and has locked himself in his mansion ever since. Gotham City is now peaceful thanks to Commissioner James Gordon. Bruce returns to the public eye thanks to Selina Kyle, his maid who is also a burglar known as Catwoman, and Miranda Tate, a Wayne Enterprises businesswoman and his love interest. Evil begins to emerge in Gotham thanks to a muscular terrorist known as Bane. Bruce Wayne must put the Batman cape and cowl back on and save Gotham before it's nothing but rubble. Batman must get help from Catwoman and Police Officer John Blake. I saw the film split into three acts. The first act shows us who life has been for our favorite characters for the past eight years. The second act introduces us to Bane and he introduces his evil scheme and the third act is the action-packed climax. Believe me when I say it is one heck of a climax! Christopher Nolan is a good storyteller and this film did have a pretty good story. The film starts off a little slow but it keeps you interested. In my opinion, the second act got a little boring. I was tempted to go to sleep but I did not want to miss how Nolan was going to wrap up his trilogy. The third act delivers amazing action and there are plot twists that I did not see coming. For some reason, I didn't care much for Bane's evil scheme but Nolan was able to make it seem intense during the climax. I still prefer The Joker's evil scheme. The film told a good but not great story. The film focused a lot on Bruce Wayne's issues but we already went through that in Batman Begins. As a matter of fact, there isn't a whole lot of Batman but when he's on screen, he kicks butt. The Dark Knight Rises bore me in a few parts but it was overall an exciting flick. I can tell Christopher Nolan gave it his all in this movie. He had to make a worthy follow-up to The Dark Knight, one of the best movies ever made. My anticipation for this film was very high. I did not want to be let down. While this film wasn't as phenomenal as the last, I still give Christopher Nolan a lot of props. His sharp writing and stylish direction are all in this film. The film's script is sharp and has intelligence and emotion. Plus, the actors deliver their lines very well. Michael Caine sure knows how to deliver a monologue. The film does have a nihilistic tone and Nolan knows how to get it right. Although Bane's scheme wasn't the best villainous plan, Nolan makes the situation intense due to the tone. The climax kept me at the edge of my seat. I loved Wally Pfister's cinematography. It just takes the scope of the film to a higher level. The action sequences are intended to be seen in IMAX but I couldn't get to see the movie that way. I'd like to see it again in that format. The film is a nice one to look at. The cinematography is grand and the dialogue in this film is well written. Christopher Nolan knows how to direct actors. If you can't act, then you can't be in a Nolan film. That's probably how he rolls. Christian Bale delivers another strong performance as the best Bruce Wayne ever put on film. I must say that the Batman voice has improved over the last one. It's still graspy but not as over the top. I really liked Bale in this film but I thought he looked silly when he was walking with a cane and had a long beard in the beginning. He looked like he was in his eighties or his nineties. I know you're trying to hide yourself from the world, Bruce Wayne, but don't make yourself look like a hobo. Michael Caine, Gary Oldman, and Morgan Freeman kill it again in their roles. I found myself very interested in Matthew Modine's character. I didn't hate his character and I didn't completely fall in love with his character. His views on Batman were interesting. I don't remember if he played a big part in the climax. Matthew Modine was very good in this movie. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays Police Officer John Blake. Batman doesn't show up a whole lot in this movie but this guy does. I thought Gordon-Levitt did terrific. I could see this guy as a real-life cop. He was heroic, serious, and put the lives of others before him. I loved seeing John Blake when he was on screen. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has been in a lot of stuff lately and I must say that this guy can act. Tom Hardy did very well as Bane. He's nowhere as good as Heath Ledger's Joker and will probably not get an Oscar nomination. Hardy didn't try to be like Ledger. Although both of them played villains, they are different. Bane is a terrorist and while The Joker did have some terrorist aspects in him, he was more of a psycho madman. Although he can be hard to understand due to his mask, muzzle, or whatever you call it, Bane was intimidating. When he appeared on screen, you knew our characters were in peril. I liked Anne Hathaway's spin on Catwoman. It's different from past incarnations of the character. This Catwoman was a mix of a spy and a burglar. They never addressed her as Catwoman throughout the entire movie. She was technically Catwoman because her alias was Selina Kyle and she was quick like a cat. Thank goodness she only said one cat pun in this movie. It's hard to compare her to Michelle Pfeiffer because the two were very different. I thought the Catwoman character wouldn't fit Nolan's reality-grounded Batman universe but they pulled it off well. Anne looked smokin' in that Catwoman outfit. Me-ow! Marion Coltiard did a good job as Miranda Tate and there are two very cool cameos that I enjoyed. I know, finally! That last paragraph is finally over. I think it's appropriate to say that the acting was my favorite aspect of the film. For crying out loud, the longest paragraph in this review is all about the acting. This entire trilogy was free from bad performances. Since this series is very reality-grounded, the film isn't crammed with a whole lot of CGI. The only CGI in this film is when Batman is riding around in the Bat-Pod or Batwing. I know it's called The Bat in the film but it will always be called the Batwing to me. The Batwing, or The Bat, looked completely awesome and the special effects used on it were awesome. Another thing that is amazing in this film is the score done by Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard. It's a pitch perfect score and one of the greatest. I think all the Batman themes are awesome. The Hans Zimmer and James Newton Howard theme, the Danny Elfman theme, and even the one from the 60s TV show. The score fits perfectly with the action scene. It just takes the awesomeness to a higher level. The score during the dramatic scenes is also very good. Every time the themes came on, I found myself humming it or pretending to play it on the piano. The Dark Knight Rises is a very good film maybe even great. From the moment The Dark Knight faded to black, my expectations for this film began to grow and they were very high. My expectations grew higher and higher as every scrap of news and trailer was released. I feel the second film is the best in the trilogy. Try to put your expectations aside as you watch this film because not all of them may be fulfilled. The film isn't perfect but it is still a satisfying conclusion to a great trilogy. I know Warner Bros. is planning to reboot this series again but I hope we don't see it for a long time. If it comes out too soon, I feel it would kill the impact that this series had. Every entry in this series took the superhero genre to new heights. Thanks to this, The Amazing Spider-Man, and The Avengers, I can see the genre going in a new direction. Despite some problems and issues I had with the film, it was still a darn good flick. I went to see this at an AMC theater and I got to see the first two films on the big screen before the midnight premiere of this film. I was just amazing to see the entire trilogy back-to-back on the big screen and see how Batman evolves over the course of the three films. I plan to see this movie again while it's still in the theatre. Christopher Nolan wrapped up The Dark Knight Trilogy fantastically and I can't wait to see what he and Zack Snyder do with the Superman franchise next year with Man of Steel. Thank you, Christopher Nolan and company for this amazing series. R.I.P. Victims of the Colorado tragedy. James Holmes must burn in Hell for his despicable act of senseless violence. "You don't fear death. You welcome it."

July 28, 2012

Source: http://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/the_dark_knight_rises/

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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  • Source: http://jobs.apartmentcareers.com/jobs/4859830/maintenance-technician

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    Police Have 'Great Concern' For Baby Taken From... | Stuff.co.nz

    Alyssa Barker


    TAKEN: Toddler Alyssa Barker was taken from her Helensville home.

    A woman who watched the 6pm news tonight recognised the woman and child who were staying with her as Skye Mason and Alyssa Barker.

    Alyssa was taken from her family home in the tiny settlement of Makaurau, north of Auckland, at about 3pm on Friday.

    Mason also disappeared from this property at about this time after she had been welcomed into the home by Alyssa's parents.

    She had been taken in by the family after they had taken pity on her for sleeping rough in the neighbourhood.

    The woman who alerted police tonight of having Mason and Alyssa in her home appears to also have been a good Samaritan.

    She had waited until the pair was asleep before she called the police at 9.15pm to notify them of her house guests.

    Alyssa will soon be reunited with her family and 27-year-old Mason has been taken into police custody.

    Police, who attended the Swanson address, said Alyssa was well and didn?t seem to be suffering any ill-effects as a result of her 36-hour absence.

    Detective Inspector Stan Brown of Waitakere Police said he and his staff were delighted to be able to return Alyssa to her family and very grateful to media for their support during what was a nervous search.

    "This is one story that does not have a tragic end for a child and for that, we are very happy."

    Police earlier said Mason had a history of mental illness and a small criminal history.

    - ? Fairfax NZ News

    Source: http://www.stuff.co.nz/national/crime/7368921/Baby-Alyssa-found

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    Saturday, July 28, 2012

    Some great benefits of Banners | BusinessMarketingA-Z.blogspot.com

    animated gifs Banner ad campaigns are generally online kinds of advertising. They generally come in the type thumb, presen and jpg. Many companies make use of this kind of promotion in promoting their goods and services. Any time a man or woman clicks your banner they may be taken up to your Link to your advertiser. Should you look at the major or perhaps part of a web-site you'll end up watching any banner advertising something. Men and women spend any payment to acquire that banner designed into the site because it supplies a range of benefits, and it's a simple yet effective method to publicise an enterprise. Companies make use of this kind of promotion as a way to create a manufacturer, travel product sales and kick off new releases.

    animated gifs The key Attributes of Websites:

    animated gifs ?? You'll be able to attain a lot more web traffic and raise product sales. Through the your ad your message you intend to express is put specifically while watching internet user. This motivates these phones simply click your web blog and will consequently bring about product sales.

    ?? There're a wonderful way to publicise new releases. For anyone who is establishing a new product or perhaps service, after that on this kind of promotion you are competent at declaring just what exactly you wish by way of textual content, images and as well computer animation.

    ?? Can assist create and make a brand name title. Creating a person's name brand is critical. That is a good way to build have confidence in using your shoppers and get product sales. But if your business online and web-site is new, after that men and women be not familiar with people. By way of successful banner ads men and women have the capacity to understand more about your enterprise plus understand a person's brand name and website name.

    ?? Hysterical campaigns might help an enterprise to locate new customers. Any time a man or woman works with a google search they're going to want to know to find your business name or perhaps item, nonetheless through the use of banners we could properly put the meaning and site right in front of those. That is a good way to get new customers.

    ?? Banner ad campaigns are easy to sign up to and are generally cost effective. Which means they may be appropriate for various firms, large and small. You will find online instruments available which allow united states in making absolutely free banner campaigns, and ad space can be bought promptly and without difficulty. There is a choice of paying out an apartment fee cost for the banner or perhaps paying out for each just click.

    ?? You are in control over which sites you set your banner ads about, so therefore they enable you to definitely reach hugely precise visitors.

    Source: http://businessmarketinga-z.blogspot.com/2012/07/some-great-benefits-of-banners.html

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    The Perks of Social Media for Small Businesses

    Posted by Bola Olonisakin under Uncategorized

    There are more than 2.3 billion Internet users worldwide: 800 million of those Internet users are on?Facebook, 200 million are on?Twitter?and 120 million are on LinkedIn. Are you on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn,?Pinterest,?Google+?or any of the other countless forms of social media available?

    If you aren?t and you?re a business owner, you?re missing out on a wealth of public relations, advertising and marketing opportunities.Whether you are running a mamm???oth organization or a small start-up business, take advantage of all social media has to offer. Here are a few reasons why you should jump into the social media scene?

    1.????It?s Inexpensive.

    Social media is an inexpensive, practical means of reaching out to customers and engaging them on a personal level that other forms of marketing and advertisements cannot replicate. Fourty-nine percent of small and medium-sized businesses use social media to market their products and services, and more than half of those small to medium-sized businesses spend $100 or less doing so.

    2.????People don?t use the Yellow Pages anymore.

    When consumers are looking for a product or service, they don?t flip open the nearest phone book; they get online. This means your business needs to pop up when those potential customers start Google ?searching. Social media is a great way to ensure that your business is discovered by those potential customers.

    3.????Networking is important.

    Using social media, especially Facebook and Twitter, is an excellent way to stay on top of the latest trends in your industry, follow what your competitors are doing and mingle with your customers.

    So next time overwhelming feelings of frustration and confusion over?tweeting,hooting, hash-tags, blogospheres and live feeds threaten to overtake you, take a deep breath and remind yourself that the more time and energy you spend communicating and building relationships with customers, the stronger and more dynamic your business will be. Positive repertoire with customers builds trust, and trust guarantees customer loyalty. Start Facebooking, tweeting and blogging your way to a stronger business today.

    Do you have any social media tips and trick to share? Share your ideas with?GTech Designs. Comment now!?


    Source: http://www.gtechdesigns.com/media/social-media-perks-for-small-businesses

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    Movie Review: 'The Watch' ? CBS Philly

    (L-R: Jonah Hill, Ben Stiller, Richard Ayoade, and Vince Vaughn star in "The Watch.")

    (L-R: Jonah Hill, Ben Stiller, Richard Ayoade, and Vince Vaughn star in ?The Watch.?)


    By Bill Wine
    KYW Newsradio 1060

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) ? When you watch The Watch, you realize pretty quickly that it?s as loose as a goose and as messy as an unmade bed, with dangling subplots, glaring inconsistencies, arbitrary developments, and halfhearted stabs at earnestness.

    Then what makes it the guilty pleasure that it is??? And why is it so much fun?

    Perhaps it?s the goofy premise, never taken very seriously.? Or maybe it?s just the skilled timing that uptight everyman Ben Stiller and motormouth improviser Vince Vaughn (who, let?s face it, is as much a comic writer as he is a performer)bring to the party.

    2c2bd1 Movie Review: The Watch

    (2? stars out of 4)

    Whatever it is, although its combo platter of comedy and supernatural special effects doesn?t rival that of Ghostbusters or Men in Black, it does deliver its share of much-needed and gratefully offered mid-summer chuckles.

    Originally titled Neighborhood Watch, the reel-world project had its title changed as a way of disassociating from the real-world Trayvon Martin tragedy in Florida.? And the connection turns out to be only tangential at best.

    The Watch is actually a science fiction comedy because the aliens eventually confronted by these vigilantes are not from neighboring countries: they?re unfriendly (to say the least) extraterrestrial visitors.

    And, yes, the fact that the outer-space interlopers are hiding under a Costco store -? where they can get everything they need under one roof, ba dum bum -? does turn the film into an hour-and-a-half commercial.

    But so what? It?s also a funny idea.

    Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill, and Richard Ayoade play neighbors in suburban Glenview, Ohio who, after a local overnight security guard is murdered, form a watch group mostly as an excuse to get out of the house.

    But this quartet of inept volunteer crime fighters (think ?The Four Stooges?) soon discover that the murder, and others that follow, have been committed by slimy reptilian aliens who are posing as localites as part of their effort to obliterate all humans because? well, because that?s what they do.

    Director Akiva Shaffer, a ?Saturday Night Live? writer-director whose debut feature was the forgettable Hot Rod, starts off promisingly and showcases his primary foursome of performers effectively enough, playing to their familiar strengths.

    But then he lets the film get away from him in the late going when he relies far too much on cheesy special effects and laughably unconvincing action and combat, rather than character delineation and interaction, to carry the ball.

    The screenplay by Jared Stern, Seth Rogen, and Evan Goldberg embraces silliness and vulgarity and never takes its excuse for a plot all that seriously, using it instead as a clothesline on which to hang the jokes and bits and gags and asides.

    That approach works decently in a film that proceeds with a relaxed, almost casual gait.? Meanwhile, Stiller and Vaughn ?- and, to a lesser extent, Hill and newcomer Ayoade ? are such agreeable comic presences that we?re happy to take the crazy, winking journey with them.

    So we watch and we wait for the buddies in this buddy comedy to entertain us in predictably naughty and irreverent ways.? And while we do that, we pretty much ignore all the bargain-basement sci-fi stuff that isn?t meant to convince anybody in or at the movie of anything anyway.

    So we?ll stake out 2? stars out of 4 for a sketchy, untidy comedy that?s funny in spite of itself.

    The Watch is, in a word, watchable.


    More Bill Wine Movie Reviews

    CBS Philly Entertainment News



    Source: http://philadelphia.cbslocal.com/2012/07/27/movie-review-the-watch/

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    Brendan O'Driscoll - Canadian Military History

    Brendan O?Driscoll is a fifth-year honours history student at Wilfrid Laurier University. His areas of interest broadly include Modern European and Russian history, political philosophy, and War and Society. ?In his capacity as a research assistant at LCMSDS he is manager of the air photos digitization projects which oversees the preservation and use of 120,000 plus aerial photographs.


    Source: http://www.canadianmilitaryhistory.ca/brendan-odriscoll/

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    IRA Not Always Protected in Bankruptcy ? Debt Relief Mag

    The IRS?s position is outlined in Private Letter Ruling 20054402 a case where the taxpayer requested as extension or waiver of the 60 day rule. The taxpayer withdrew money from his IRA to help with the purchase of a new home. Hurricane Frances hit and damaged the home. The permanent financing on the home was delayed. The permanent financing would replace the funds withdrawn from the IRA. The IRS turned down the taxpayers request because using the IRA money to help purchase a home is a prohibited transaction. The consequence of a prohibited transaction is the entire IRA is no longer tax exempt under Section 408(e)(2) of the tax code. Had the taxpayer not sought a Private Letter Ruling and just redeposited the money he would have risked losing the tax exempt status of the entire IRA account.
    Source: arizonadebtrelief.com

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    Get Tax Debt Relief and start Experiencing Your life

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    Source: typepad.com

    Finding a Legitimate Debt Relief Company: How to Clear Credit Card Debt

    There?s no guarantee, even though the company may claim to be ?non profit,? that the services they offer are legitimate. There is also no guarantee that the creditor will accept a partial payment on the account. Late fees and penalties can continue to accrue, increasing the debt further. Worse, the creditor may report the whole process to credit reporting agencies as a failure to make timely payments, which reflects negatively on one?s credit report.
    Source: suite101.com

    Accredited Debt Relief Launches New Online Debt Relief Services

    Accredited Debt Relief has also partnered with the DAAN Group. The DAAN Group is an industry leading creditor call system. The DAAN Group and Accredited Debt Relief partnered to help clients whom are being harassed by creditors or collection companies. Many collection companies and creditors have been charged with illegal collection practices per the FDCPA Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.
    Source: inc100news.com

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    ConsumerWatch: Credit Counseling Firm Refunds Up ? Debt Relief ?

    If you have considered credit counseling as an option for their financial problems, then you are probably wondering how to choose one of the many credit counseling companies that are popping up left and right these days. There really is no easy answer to this dilemma, but there are some things you can look for in a credit counseling company that might make the decision a little easier. One factor to consider is whether anything is going to cost to continue credit counseling. If you are having financial difficulties in the first place, then you probably do not really have the expendable money to pay for credit counseling they so desperately need. In this case, you can be sure that untrusted, non-profit credit counseling companies that will help you for free. On the other hand, if you are of the philosophy that you get what you pay, then you may consider a tax credit counseling company. Its best bet, in deciding that the credit counseling company to turn to in their time of need, is finding one that will provide a personalized fit. Atmos Energy will not settle for partial explanations. Every situation, requiring credit counseling, is unique. Source: sciworldmag.com
    Source: typepad.com

    Debt Relief Circumstances And Also A Bankruptcy Proceeding Court Docket Process

    There are lots of personal bankruptcy instances that may be registered which are identified based on the sections in the personal bankruptcy program code. The actual six to eight fundamental forms of instances consist of Sections Several, Nine, 12, 12, Thirteen along with 15. Your debt circumstance filed is generally dependent upon the nature from the credit card debt, the type of property in addition to their values, and the recent salary of the actual borrower. Chapter 7 and Tough luck would be the most typical instances filed inside the bankruptcy courtroom through folks. Chapter seven filings normally include cases where your consumer confirms to sell his or her property and also qualities in line with the terms in the a bankruptcy proceeding signal. Chapter 9 addresses your privileges involving monetarily upset municipality to recover by way of financial debt reorganization. Your therapy of an organization by means of credit card debt reorganization is additionally employed in Phase Eleven with the conditions deciding on companies or even partnerships. Part 14 circumstances either can end up being registered through the debtor on a voluntary foundation or lenders may well document the petition by themselves provided that these people meet the court docket demands.
    Source: unsecured-loans-for-people-with-bad-credit.com

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    Source: http://debtreliefmag.com/ira-not-always-protected-in-bankruptcy/

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    Friday, July 27, 2012

    Spain not mulling seeking further EU help: sources

    MADRID (Reuters) - Spain is not considering seeking immediate help from the European Union to ease its spiraling borrowing costs, two Spanish sources said on Thursday, although the euro zone is eyeing possible action for later this year.

    With the troika of international lenders due to report back to European authorities on the parlous situation in Greece in September and a challenging autumn in terms of funding for Madrid, top euro zone policymakers are discussing ways to shield the currency union from further contagion.

    Spanish borrowing costs this week hit record highs since the launch of the euro 13 years ago, while Italy's are back at levels not seen in several months.

    Spain's 10-year bonds were trading at around 7.4 percent on Thursday, down from around 7.7 percent in previous days, although this level is still seen as unsustainable.

    Sources in Madrid denied German and Italian newspaper reports on Thursday that it was on the point of asking the euro zone's EFSF rescue fund for help via buying bonds.

    "Neither a total rescue of the Spanish economy nor a bond-buying program from the EFSF is being looked at," said one of the Spanish sources.

    Another source said the government was focused on getting the decisions from the last European union summit implemented as well as on recapitalizing its banks for which it sought an up to 100-billion-euro European credit line in June.

    "We have to respect the times, the rhythms. Spain sought aid for the banks on June 9 and we only signed the final agreement this week ... The government is not looking at that (further rescue)," said the second source.

    "Some instruments are not even up and running. It would not make sense to make statements about mechanisms which doesn't exist," the source added.

    Although dramatic decisions do not look imminent, there is clearly a lot of thinking being done across the euro zone. Italian and Spanish yields slid on Wednesday after European Central Bank policymaker Ewald Nowotny said he could see grounds for giving the future euro zone bailout fund a banking license so that it could draw on ECB funds.


    A senior European Union official told Reuters Spain may need help with its primary market bond sales to take the pressure off its yields. But its partners, notably Germany, were doubtful.

    "While it's true that taking such action was provided for in the agreement at the last summit, there is a deep reluctance to go ahead with it, not least from Germany," the official said.

    "The concern is that stepping in to buy bonds is going to further destabilize market dynamics at a sensitive time. It could have the contrary effect to what's intended and no one wants to make things worse for Spain or Italy."

    Policymakers fear intervention could lead to either a buyers' strike or a profound dislocation with the secondary market that simply scares off international investors.

    Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore said on Thursday a request by Spain to tap the euro zone's rescue funds was imminent.

    Spain would agree to a number of commitments not much different from those undertaken as part of the memorandum of understanding it signed for the bank bailout, the paper said, adding the EFSF could start buying bonds almost immediately.

    The permanent European Stability Mechanism (ESM) would take over once it comes into force later in the year.

    German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung quoted another European diplomat as saying the EFSF could also be used to buy Spanish bonds from private banks to boost demand and reduce the state's burden. It said Germany was not opposed to the idea.

    As pressure mounts on the euro zone authorities to step in to support Spain and Italy, Belgium said the ECB should be able to support struggling member states directly, if such a request was made.

    Such a move would only be possible if member states asking the ECB for assistance would commit to a program to bring down their deficits, Belgium's Foreign Minister Didier Reynders, who served as the country's finance minister between 1999 and 2011, told a group of European journalists.

    He also said Spain should seek more EU assistance.

    "We only received one request from Spain: money for the banks. I am not sure it will be enough. I see that there are now problems in the regions. The government has to say it needs more. Not necessarily money. Maybe it would be useful to ask for more time to comply with the commitments. Or seek more money. Maybe it would be useful to organize something with the ECB," he was quoted as saying in Spanish newspaper El Pais.

    (Editing by Mike Peacock)

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/spain-not-mulling-seeking-further-eu-help-sources-100646209--sector.html

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    Latest politician to post shirtless photos

    Shirtless photos of yet another congressman are making their way around the Internet this week.
    One of the photos of Rep. Peter Nehr that were sent to show his weight??

    But in this case, they've apparently been posted for a noble cause.

    Photos of state Rep. Peter Nehr have been buzzing on the Internet and on searches. The Republican from Tarpon Springs, Fla., says he sent them to friends to boast of his weight loss and renewed health. Nothing more.

    Nehr writes in response to a Tampa Bay Times blog:

    I have been a diabetic for many years and like many diabetics have had problems with my weight and my blood sugar control... I went from 210 pounds to 160 pounds and from a 38 inch waistline to a 30 inch waistline. I also went from taking over a 110 units of insulin per day taking 5 shots to almost no daily insulin shots.

    ... I have sent these pictures to many of my friends that have been following my health and diabetes progress and they have shared them with others as well. It appears that someone who has a problem with my politics is trying to use them in a way to hurt my campaign. I am proud of what I have done to improve my health and will discuss this with anyone who wants to know how to do what I did.

    Some local media outlets noted they were sent to a political blog, which spurred Nehr's response. Nehr is running for re-election in the northern Pinellas-southern Pasco district of Florida.

    Sending shirtless pictures that end up widely distributed on the Internet is usually a recipe for disaster. Tawdry photos already forced two congressmen out of office. Former Rep. Christopher Lee, R-N.Y., abruptly resigned from the House after a report emerged that he sent flirtatious emails, including one with a bare-chested photo of himself, to a woman he met on Craigslist. And former Rep. Anthony Weiner, D-N.Y., resigned after risqu? online dealings with women, several of whom came forward with lewd photos and texts the congressman had exchanged with them.

    Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/latest-politician-post-shirtless-photos-florida-state-rep-204505805.html

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    Portable Vehicle Outlining Companies and Web Business Index ...

    Posted on | July 26, 2012 | Comments Off

    Their organization is listed by many mobile auto detailers on a single or two online business index promotion websites, similar to the online orange site web sites. This is sensible in lots of regards for such a business model, especially if the sense is searched by city and zip code. This increases the chances of the little mobile auto detailing company of coming up on the customers display if they do local pursuit of such services.Most auto detailing businesses have only 5-10 pages on their sites and therefore can not get the higher rankings of an Business Directory Advertising website.My company never used such methods to promote since we build our routes block by block and don?t need onesy twosee client contact ins disrupting already effective routes. But this really is not to say that such sites do not work, just that our company focuses on mobile cleansing not outlining and we have typical assigned channels (the Car Wash Guys ).Occasionally we?ve seen some competitors use these kind of sites for misdirection and list their company in lots of places, which they do not support to get the calls, which may normally go to competitors. This is somewhat unfortunate because it confuses consumers and provides a challenging situation for of distrust of Internet Surfers such directories for the long run. So often the information is incorrect and something to consider when selecting the proper Online Internet Business Directory Website which is best for you.You also needs to know that usually these Online Internet Business Directory Website methods are just good if they rank high and normally have ranking fallouts over time and don?t get used as much, too many of them crap up the Internet and there is a great deal of competition between them. It is smart to see which web sites show up first on the most likely searches your client might do and browse around. More organizations in the South use them and the bay region then elsewhere. For specific business types they are a good idea and makes sense and $15.00 per quarter to be outlined makes sense for these types of companies. If you possess a cellular automobile explaining business think with this in 2006.

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    Source: http://how-guide.com/2012/07/portable-vehicle-outlining-companies-and-web-business-index-promotion/

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    Thursday, July 26, 2012

    BOOK: Business Continuity and Risk Management: Essentials of ...


    Business Continuity and Risk Management: Essentials of Organizational Resilience

    By Kurt J. Engemann, PhD, CBCP and Douglas M. Henderson, FSA, CBCP?

    a great reference source and self-study guide

    for business continuity practitioners and novices!

    This book is also ideal for BCM practitioners seeking a?

    1. State of the art summation of the global body of knowledge for BCM, including current international standards and best practices.
    2. Flexible, modular design that allows you to customize a self-study plan: Ten chapters cover fundamental principles and practices; three chapters give greater detail on Information Technology and Emergency Management for those focusing in these areas; and four chapters delve into Risk Modeling for those seeking a foundation in the statistical underpinnings of risk management.
    3. Comprehensive training package for professional development classes, including instructor materials: test bank, syllabi, PowerPoint slides, and sample solutions to case studies, discussions, and end-of-chapter questions. Two of the case studies are integrated throughout the text to give practitioners, novices and students experience in applying chapter principles to a service company and a manufacturer.
    4. Holistic coverage of two interfacing fields: Business Continuity, which tends to deal with consequences, and Risk Management, which tends to be preventative. Both The Business Continuity Institute (BCI) and The Institute of Risk Management (IRM) have endorsed the book.
    5. Quick desk reference for your BCM team offering a readable blend of academic principles and practical applications?an effective tool for grounding interdepartmental teams learning to develop and maintain BC plans.


    $129, 370 pages



    ?Given the importance of both Business Continuity and Risk Management in an increasingly risky world and their relative maturity as business disciplines, it is strange that little has been done to structure the subject in a way that is accessible to students and the wider academic community. Most relevant books and professional journals are targeted at either the professional practitioner or those with general interest in the topic. What has been missing is a college core textbook that covers the basic body of knowledge for aspiring students wishing to gain academic qualifications en route to a professional career in Business Continuity or Risk Management.

    ?This new book by Kurt Engemann and Douglas Henderson does much to redress this deficiency in our arsenal of published literature. Written at a level which is very comprehensive but still easily readable it provides a route-map through the terminologies, methodologies and philosophies of the subject?.The Business Continuity Institute welcomes this book and wishes the authors well in their efforts to engage with both the business and academic communities in a language that both will understand.?

    ?Lyndon Bird, Technical Development Director, Board Member and Fellow, The Business Continuity Institute


    ?As our world becomes ever more turbulent the field of business continuity and risk management increases in importance, often warranting Board-level attention. Organizations must proactively prepare for the future by mitigating risk whilst managing uncertainty through well considered policies, procedures, structure, systems and business culture to react to potentially harmful events as they unfold. In this way, their survival is less likely to be threatened and it will be more likely that their goals will be attained. Too many times we have witnessed business disaster because an organization failed to fully recognize the importance of business continuity and risk management or simply adopted a piecemeal and unsystematic approach.

    ?Practitioners constantly emphasize the necessity of a holistic approach and I am pleased to see this new book by Kurt Engemann and Douglas Henderson does just that. It is also important to blend theory with practice in this hands-on field; again this is accomplished by the authors of this book who have extensive academic and business continuity and emergency management experience. They bring the subject to life with rich teaching and learning features, making it an essential read for students and practitioners alike.?

    ?Phil Kelly, DBA, Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), Fellow of the Institute of Risk Management (FIRM); Senior Lecturer, Liverpool (UK) Business School; Lead Examiner, Risk Decisions, The Institute of Risk Management (IRM)


    ?The book cements the notion that BCP professionals will achieve greater success if they collaborate with external resources. This is a book that will inform the novice, support the expert and enhance every business continuity planner?s efforts to create a resilient organization. The book is well organized as an instructional tool, a reference guide, and a toolkit for practitioners.

    ?Students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels will find what they need to build a strong foundation for business resiliency, regardless of the nature of the business career they seek. Adult learners, and those already BCP practitioners, will find solid support and proven practices to enhance and improve their work. Most of all, an executive, a student, or a practitioner who absorbs the content of this book will be better prepared to function in a field where preparedness is absolutely essential. Keep this book. It will serve you well in your education and practice.?

    ?Thomas D. Phelan, PhD, Program Director, Emergency and Disaster Management and Fire Science at American Public University System; Founding Member of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; member, Advisory Board of the Canadian Centre for Emergency Preparedness (CCEP)


    ?This book is a state-of-the-art addition to the field of business continuity management and allied subjects. It is difficult to write a book that serves both academia and practitioners, but the editors and contributors have accomplished this. Business Continuity and Risk Management provides a firm foundation for novices and a valuable reference for experienced professionals.?

    ?Mayer Nudell, Certified Security Consultant (CSC) and Adjunct Professor of Security Management, Webster University


    Professors, curriculum coordinators:

    see www.rothstein.com/bcrm for course adoption information

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    About the Authors

    Chapter I: Fundamentals of Business Continuity Management

    Chapter II: Business Continuity Management Organization

    Chapter III: Business Impact Analysis

    Chapter IV: Risk Assessment

    Chapter V: Strategy Development

    Chapter VI: Disaster Recovery for Information Technology

    Chapter VII: Information Systems Security

    Chapter VIII: Emergency Response

    Chapter IX: Enhancing Coordination with External Agencies

    Chapter X: Business Continuity Plan

    Chapter XI: Crisis Communication

    Chapter XII: Crisis Information Management Systems

    Chapter XIII: Sustaining Organizational Resilience

    Chapter XIV: Fundamentals of Probability and Statistics

    Chapter XV: Statistical Applications in Risk Management

    Chapter XVI: Simulation Modeling and Supply Chain Risk

    Chapter XVII: Risk and Decision Modeling

    Case Study A: Alpha Investment Services

    Case Study B: Beta Widget Makers

    Case Study C: Supply Chain Analysis

    Case Study D: Sample Risk Assessment

    Case Study E: Phased Pre-Positioning of Employees

    Case Study F: Tabletop Exercise






    Kurt J. Engemann, PhD, CBCP

    Kurt J. Engemann is the Director of the Center for Business Continuity and Risk Management and Professor of Information Systems in the Hagan School of Business at Iona College. He has consulted professionally over the past thirty years in the area of risk management decision modeling for major organizations and has been instrumental in the development and implementation of comprehensive business continuity management programs.

    Dr. Engemann is a Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP) with the Disaster Recovery Institute International. Professor Engemann is the editor-in-chief of the International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management and the International Journal of Technology, Policy and Management. He teaches courses in the areas of Business Continuity and Risk Management, Systems Analysis and Design, Operations Management, Statistics and Decision Analysis. He has a PhD in Operations Research from New York University and has published extensively in the area of risk management and decision modeling. Professionals from a number of Wall Street banking firms and Fortune 500 companies attend his graduate courses in business continuity and risk management.

    Douglas M. Henderson, FSA, CBCP

    Douglas M. Henderson, President of Disaster Management, Inc., has 20 years of experience in management with major consulting firms.? In August of 1992, Mr. Henderson was the key associate of the Emergency Response Team for a consulting firm located in South Miami-Dade County.? Inspired by the real life business experience with Hurricane Andrew and concerned about the lack of preparation within the business community, Mr. Henderson founded Disaster Management, Inc. in 1993.

    Mr. Henderson?s clients include Bombardier Capital Group, CP Ships, Discovery Channel Latin America, Intek Plastics, Kemper-NATLSCO, Professional Golfers? Association (PGA), University of Miami, United Educators Insurance Company and numerous other organizations of all sizes. The activities he has undertaken on behalf of these organizations includes conducting site inspections and writing Risk Assessment reports, Business Impact Analysis reports, Business Continuity Plans, Emergency Response Plans and the facilitating of tabletop exercises.

    Mr. Henderson has a degree in mathematics from the Universityof Arizona.? His professional credentials include Fellow, Society of Actuaries (FSA) and Certified Business Continuity Professional (CBCP).? He is the author of the book Is Your Business Ready for the Next Disaster? and has developed a number of CD-based templates, including the Comprehensive Business Continuity Management Program, the Continuity of Operations Plan for Colleges and Universities, and the Hurricane and Flood Plan.


    Published by Rothstein Associates, Inc.

    370 pages, $129, ?2012, ISBN 978-1-931332-54-5.


    Tags: 978-1-931332-54-5, 9781931332545, book, Business Continuity, Disaster Recovery, Engemann Henderson, Risk Management, textbook

    Source: http://www.rothstein.com/blog/book-business-continuity-and-risk-management-essentials-of-organizational-resilience/

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